


美式发音: [wɑd] 英式发音: [wɒd]




过去式:wadded  同义词





1.(纸张、钞票等的)卷,沓,捆a thick pile of pieces of paper, paper money, etc. folded or rolled together

He pulled a thick wad of £10 notes out of his pocket.他从衣袋里掏出厚厚的一沓面额 10 英镑的钞票。

They had a wad/wads of money(= a large amount) .他们有大把大把的钱。

2.用以填塞(或填衬等)的软材料;填料;填絮;衬料a mass of soft material, used for blocking sth or keeping sth in place

The nurse used a wad of cotton wool to stop the bleeding.护士用了一团脱脂棉止血。


1.~ sth (up)将…揉成团;使成沓;使成卷to fold or press sth into a tight wad

2.~ sth(用柔软的材料)填塞,填充,衬垫to fill sth with soft material for warmth or protection



n.1.a thick pile or ball of papers, money, or thin clotstrong.a round mass of something soft, for example cotton

1.锰土 wacke 玄土 wad 锰土 wadeite 钾钙板锆石 ...

2.填料 clap n. 拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍 wad n. 块状软物, 填料 unfold vt. 打开, 显露, 开展, 阐明 ...

3.小块 wakeful 人>醒着的,未入睡的 wad 圆团,小块,大量,填料 wade 趟(河),跋涉 ...

4.软填料 vulnerable adj. 易受伤的,脆弱的 wad n. (钞票)一卷,软填料 waddle vi. 摇摇摆摆地走 ...

5.填絮 waco filter Waco 白水回收机 wad 填絮;填充物 wad stock 弹壳纸用浆 ...

6.叠 wackestone 粒泥状灰岩 wad 软填料;叠;大量;锰土 wadden wad 的复数 ...

7.世界侦探协会(World Association of Detectives)World Association of Detectives (WAD) Conference Personapzed Medicine Conference Benefits Forum & Expo The British Ins…


1.Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a wad of Yen large enough to cover AT LEAST three times the cost of their meal.她从包里拿出一叠日元,足有帐单的三倍之多。

2.Users place a wad or pinch of the tobacco against their pp or cheek, then suck on it, a habit known as "dipping" .吸食的人在嘴唇或面颊上放上一小块或一小撮,然后在上面舔吸,这种食用习惯被称作“浸食”。

3.She was about to leave when Deng Guida pulled out a thick wad of bank notes and then he pushed her on to a sofa.邓玉娇要离开的时候邓贵大拿出一厚打钞票并把邓玉娇推倒在沙发上。

4.He took out a pack of Red Man chewing tobacco, put a wad in his mouth, then handed it to Kearney, who followed suit.他拿出一包“红人”牌嚼烟叶,取出一团放在嘴里,然后把它递给卡尼,卡尼也照着他的样子做了。

5.He throws a wad of paper out the door of his room, to see if it will boomerang back and land in one of his gym shoes.他把一捆纸扔出他房间门外,看看他会不会自己飞回来落在他的一直体操鞋上。

6.It was while eating my second duck tongue that the man at the next table hacked up a loud wad of phlegm and spat it on to the floor.我这儿正对付第二只鸭舌头,邻桌的一个男人频频大声咳嗽,一口痰啐到地上。

7.Leave the shorter tail free and start twisting a wad of hay onto the long tail beginning as close to the wall as possible.放开短的那端,开始把一叠干草捻在长端并且尽可能的靠近墙。

8.Even when he goes right up to the can and drops the wad directly down, it hits the edge and drops into his gym shoe.即使他走进垃圾罐前,直直地往下投,他还是会把它丢在垃圾罐的边缘,落在他的体操鞋上。

9.Dazzle her with the thousands you've spent at IKEA and Plaza 66, and with your fat wad of Bund-side restaurant bills.让你在ikea跟plaza66所消费的数千元使女孩子惊羡、用你在外滩餐厅消费的厚厚一叠收据使女孩子目眩。

10.Did you stay because you didn't want anybody to think you were a cheap tight-wad?你是否是因为你不想让别人把你当成个吝啬鬼才留下来的?