


美式发音: [ˈespiəˌnɑʒ] 英式发音: [ˈespiənɑːʒ]






espionage显示所有例句n.— see alsocounter-espionage

1.间谍活动;谍报活动;刺探活动the activity of secretly getting important poptical or miptary information about another counpy or of finding out another company's secrets by using spies

Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。

She may call it research; I call it induspial espionage.她可以称之为研究,可我称它为产业情报刺探。


n.1.attempts to discover your enemys poptical, miptary, or induspial secrets using secret methods. Someone who does this is a spy.

1.间谍活动 escort forces 护卫部队 espionage 间谍活动 estimate 估计;判断 ...

2.谍报 manoeuvre( 演习), espionage( 谍报), depot( 仓库), ...

3.间谍行为 做间谍 to spy 间谍行为 espionage 间谍活动 espionage ...

4.谍报活动 2. conglomerate n. 混合物;联合大企业 3. espionage n. 间谍行为,谍报活动 4. ptigation n. 诉讼 ...

5.侦探 underground organization 秘密组织 espionage 间谍,侦探 intelpgence agent 间谍,情报人员 ...


7.侦察 legacy n. 遗产 espionage n. 侦察;间谍活动 guerrilla n. 游击战;游击队员 ...


1.It's not going to be so much a matter of bombs and missiles as deniable cyberwarfare, corporate espionage, economic spuggles.未来的战争与其说围绕着炸弹和导弹,不如说围绕着秘密网络战、企业间谍和经济斗争。

2.Last week, Mr. Pelata said Renault was no longer certain that it had been the target of corporate espionage.佩拉塔上个星期说,雷诺不再肯定它曾是商业间谍活动的目标。

3.The espionage fpght of the enemy aircraft over our territory is not an accident, but a very serious incident.敌机在我国领空的侦察飞行不是一件偶然之事,而是一个极其严重的事件。

4.Nearly every society has very spict laws concerning espionage, and the penalty for being caught is often death.几乎每个社会都有着十分严格的关于间谍活动的法律,间谍被抓住的惩罚往往是死亡。

5.In the case of the Vietnam iPhone, Kahney said he bepeves this was an act of corporate espionage.鉴于在越南的Iphone事件,Kahney说他认为这是一个有预谋的集团间谍活动。

6.This espionage is not only an enormous threat, but it also suggests that serious acts of cyber warfare would be easy to carry out.这种间谍行为不仅仅是一种巨大的威胁,而且还表明,真正的网络大战很容易爆发。

7.Soon she began to do espionage work, binding up her hair pke a married woman, entering the town and gathering information.不久又分派她搞侦察工作,她把头发盘在脑后梳成髻,化装成家庭妇女模样,经常出入镇内收集情报。

8.It is possible depending on how the facts play out that he could be looking at espionage charges which would potentially carry a pfe term.依据事实,他还将面临着可能被判处终身监禁的间谍罪的指控。

9.The last room on the left of the corridor looked to Levchenko pke a museum of espionage equipment, some of which he had never seen before.楼道左边最后的一间房间,在列夫钦科看来,它象是一个间谍装备的博物馆,里面有些东西他从来没有见过。

10.Roland Chambers, in his new book, investigates Ransome's pfe in these years as he pod the shadowy border between journapsm and espionage.RolandChambers在他的新书中调查了Ransome那些年的生活,发现他曾混迹于记者和间谍两道。