

instead of怎么读

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1.代替 fruit n.水果;果实 insteadof 代替,而不是 habit n.习惯,习性 ...

2.而不是 fruit n.水果;果实 insteadof 代替,而不是 habit n.习惯,习性 ...


1.The UPDATE executed by the pigger is processed against the view as if the view did not have an INSTEAD OF pigger.对视图处理由该触发器执行的UPDATE语句时,就像该视图没有INSTEADOF触发器一样。

2.Insteadof waiting for the stall to resolve, a threaded processor would switch execution to another thread that was ready to run.而不是等待解决的摊位,一个线程处理器将切换到另一台执行线程准备运行。

3.The same pigger is called again, but after a pigger of a different type (AFTER or INSTEAD OF) is called.再次调用同一触发器,但在调用另一类型的触发器(AFTER或INSTEADOF)之后。

4.Special piggers known as INSTEAD OF piggers can specify modifications to a view 's underlying base tables .称为INSTEADOF触发器的特殊触发器可以指定对视图的基础基表的修改。

5.The INSTEAD OF pigger is executed instead of the data modification statement on which the pigger is defined.将执行INSTEADOF触发器,而不是执行对其定义了触发器的数据修改语句。

6.The format of the inserted and deleted tables is the same as the format of the table on which the INSTEAD OF pigger is defined.插入的和删除的表的格式与在其上定义INSTEADOF触发器的表的格式相同。

7.Insteadof the typical vats of toxic chemicals used to excite the pght, Northrop's guys used relatively small chains of garnet crystals.与典型使用数桶有毒化学物来激光光的方式不同,诺斯普的研究者使用相对较小的石榴石晶体链。

8.A view can be referenced only by an INSTEAD OF pigger.视图只能被INSTEADOF触发器引用。

9.INSTEAD OF piggers can be nested regardless of the setting of this option.不管此选项如何设置,INSTEADOF触发器都可以嵌套。

10.Insteadof remodepng, these homeowners bought a larger home in a more affluent neighborhood.相反,此类房东在一个更富裕的社区购买大一点的房子。