




1.地面 角力( Grapppng) 地面( Groud) 冲刺( Running) ...

2.建立选择集 ... 145 Edgesurf 绘制四边定界曲面 147 Groud 建立选择集 148 -Insert -I 把图形(或文件)插入当前图形文件 ...

3.磨碎的 Deep-fried 炸的 Groud 磨碎的 Marinated 卤的 ...


1.She planted her feet firmly on the groud and was reluctant to go any further.她两脚往地上一站,不愿意再往前走了。

2.A groud of new nobles who following Zhang Cong accessed fast to the nucleus of cenpe government through Da-Li-Yi.通过“大礼议”,一大批以张璁为首的新贵迅速进入中央政权的核心。

3.Seven years after the attacks, Groud Zero is still a conspuction site.在袭击七年之后,归零地仍然是建筑工地。

4.Make sure not to get any pipes surface hurt when carrying on groud.把管子拖在地上搬运时要注意不使管的外部损伤。

5.Please your sword upon the groud, and rest in the temporal peace.请把你的剑放到地上,在和平的时间好好休息。

6.The jasmine sighed, "Alas, " and dropped to the groud.茉莉花“唉”地叹息一声,便飘落在地。

7.Mrs Jones: clean the dust of the table Mrs Jones: then sweep the groud.琼斯夫人:掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘。琼斯夫人:然后扫扫地。

8.Ugly mother and xiaoxu run to meet dachu, however, the fatigued mother fall to the groud.丑娘和赵小旭奔跑着去迎接出狱的王大春,然而,积劳成疾的丑娘突然摔倒在地。

9.My glass cap falls on the groud and breaks in pieces.我的玻璃杯掉在地上,摔成了碎片。

10.in the new term, i will study hard and put my feet on the groud.在新学期里我会刻苦学习,脚踏实地地走好每一步。