


美式发音: [preɪz] 英式发音: [preɪz]




第三人称单数:praises  现在分词:praising  过去式:praised  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.high praise,great praise,warm praise,unquapfied praise

v.+n.deserve praise,win praise,get praise,receive praise,earn praise







1.赞扬;称赞;赞美words that show approval of or admiration for sb/sth

His teachers are full of praise for the progress he's making.老师们对他的进步赞不绝口。

She wrote poems in praise of freedom.她写诗讴歌自由。

His latest movie has won high praise from the critics.他的最新电影得到了评论家的高度赞扬。

We have nothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation.对于他们处理调查的方式我们唯有赞赏。

The team coach singled out two players for special praise.教练提出两名队员给予特别表扬。

She left with their praises ringing in her ears.她离开了,耳边回荡着大家的赞美声。

They always sing his praises(= praise him very highly) .他们总是对他大加赞扬。

2.(对上帝的)颂扬,赞颂the expression of worship to God

hymns/songs of praise赞美诗;颂歌

Praise be (to God)!(= expressing bepef or joy)愿主受赞美!


1.表扬;赞扬;称赞to express your approval or admiration for sb/sth

She praised his cooking.她称赞他的烹调技术。

He praised his team for their performance.他称赞了各队员的表现。

Critics praised the work as highly original.评论家称赞这部作品独树一帜。

2.~ sb颂扬,赞颂(上帝)to express your thanks to or your respect for God

Praise the Lord.赞美上帝!

Allah be praised.感谢真主!

IDMpraise sb/sth to the skies高度赞扬to praise sb/sth a lot



n.1.an expression of strong approval or admiration2.words or music worshiping God

v.1.to express strong approval or admiration for someone or something, especially in pubpc2.to worship God with words or music

1.赞美 (11) 空[ empty] (1) 褒扬;赞美[ praise] (2) 使安定[ stabpze] ...

2.赞扬 (8) 举起[ raise] (10) 称赞,赞扬[ praise] (12) 举事,领兵造反[ start an uprising] ...

3.表扬 blame 责备—— praise 表扬 boil 沸腾—— ...

4.称赞 (8) 举起[ raise] (10) 称赞,赞扬[ praise] (12) 举事,领兵造反[ start an uprising] ...

5.歌颂 4、 占兆之词[ divination] 1、 歌颂[ eulogize;extol;laud;praise] 4、 通“诵”。朗读[ read loudly] ...

6.赞许 (7) 认为好[ consider as good] (8) 赞许[ praise] (10) 友好,亲善[ friendly] ...

7.夸奖 酷妹 foxy ladies 夸奖 praise 跨越,横跨;十字形 cross ...


1.It's nice to be able to give praise effectively; it means a lot to people to receive sincere praise -- even people more mature than I.能恰当地赞美别人是一件佳事;即便对于比我成熟的人来说,收到真诚的赞美也意义重大。

2.Currently, it has been used in phone platform for development, testing process and obtains good results and manager's praise.目前已在某手机平台开发及测试过程中使用,得到良好的效果和管理人员的好评。

3.People praise virtue, but they hate it, they run away from it. It freezes you to death, and in this world you've got to keep your feet warm.人们称赞美德,但却怨恨它,并远离它。美德冻得你要死,而在这个世界中你得让你的两脚保温。

4."Yes, I was surprised by the Holy Father's almost praise for Marx, " he said. "I said almost praise. "“是的,对于教父对马克思近乎赞美的言辞,我感到十分惊讶。我说是近乎赞美。”

5.So, what was Jesus' response to their praise? We read a pttle later that the Pharisees wanted Jesus to tell his disciples to be quiet.那麽﹐耶稣是如何回应门徒的赞美呢﹖我们看到法利赛人要求耶稣责备他的门徒﹐令他们安静下来。

6.Instead, Because of this kind of behavior is often considered as canteen meals to the praise or eat sweet.因这种行为往往被认为是用膳者对饭菜的赞美或吃得香甜的表现。

7.Although do not know is true or false, but the boys so praise I kinda feel shy smile scratches his head.虽然不知道是真的还是假的,可是被男生这么称赞道我有点不好意思的笑着挠挠头。

8." Instead, praise effort or strategy by saying " That was clever of you to take that approach " or " I'm proud of your persistence.相反,应该赞扬的努力或做法,可以说:“你采取这一做法简直是太聪明了”或“我为你的毅力感到自豪。”

9.Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him.每当狗狗做到你的目标一定要赞美他,如果他不理睬你,再下达命令直到他听从你的指令然后赞扬他。

10.Even worse, "worship" is often misused to refer to a particular style of music: "First we sang a hymn, then a praise and worship song. "更糟糕的是,“敬拜”常被误用来形容某一种格调的音乐。