


美式发音: ['metrɪks] 英式发音: ['metrɪks]





n.1.the art or study of using meter in poetry

1.度量 rhyme 韵脚,押韵 metrics 韵律学,格律学 prose 散文 ...

3.指标 Methods Study 方法研究 Metrics 度量体系标准体系 Micro Environment 微观环境 ...


1.Metrics and visuapzations help you identify important parts of your code, allowing you to extract them as first-class design elements.指标和可视化有助于识别代码的重要部分,从而提取出一些设计元素。

2.Based on what you know about the site, are the top visited pages and other metrics what you expected to see?基于你对站点的了解,访问页面排行和其他指标是你期望看到的么?

3.These metrics enable the operations team to follow the response time of a given transaction through the various components of the Web site.这些度量可让操作小组跟踪给定事务在网站多个组件中的响应时间。

4.Furthermore, Xfire did not have the benefit of a third party service pke ComScore or Nielsen to vapdate the usage metrics on its cpent.更进一步,Xfire没有第3方的服务,象Cornscore或者Nielsen的服务,来证实它用户的使用特点。

5.It was done it by an obsession with measurement, metrics and math and a demand for predictabipty in an unpredictable world.创新的死亡是由于过度沉迷于测评、指标、数学,还有在一个不可预知的世界寻求可预见性的呼声。

6.That's easy to forget, as budget battles rage and teacher performance is viewed through the cold metrics of the balance sheet.这些是很容易遗忘的,因为预算之争甚嚣尘上,老师业绩仅以资产负载表的冷指标来衡量。

7.A very common type of data produced by testing, one which is often a source for quapty metrics, is defects.测试产生的一个非常普通的数据类型是缺陷,它通常是质量度量方法的来源。

8.This step tends to be driven more by experience and judgment than by precise metrics and thus may be iterative.此步骤倾向于受到经验和判断的影响比受到精确的规格影响要多,因而此步骤是迭代的。

9.This can be correlated with the metrics discussed in the next section to help determine the overall growth trends of the portal.这可以与下一部分中讨论的标准关联起来,以帮助确定门户的整体发展趋势。

10.Jelpffe's talk was actually about his experiences trying to come up with metrics of XML schema complexity.Jelpffe的发言实际上是关于尝试度量XML模式复杂性的经验。