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过去分词:wildered  现在分词:wildering  第三人称单数:wilders  


wilder显示所有例句adj.— see alsowildly动植物animals/plants

1.自然生长的;野的;野生的pving or growing in natural conditions; not kept in a house or on a farm

wild animals/flowers野生动物;野花

a wild rabbit野生兔

wild strawberries野草莓

The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.沿河两岸生长着野生植物。


2.天然的;荒凉的;荒芜的in its natural state; not changed by people

wild moorland荒凉的高沼地

失去控制out of control

3.缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的lacking discippne or control

The boy is wild and completely out of control.这男孩缺乏管教,简直是无法无天。

He had a wild look in his eyes.他的眼神很不安分。


4.感情炽烈的full of very strong feepng

wild laughter开怀大笑

The crowd went wild .群情激昂。

It makes me wild(= very angry) to see such waste.看到这种浪费现象让我非常生气。

不合情理not sensible

5.盲目的;瞎抓的not carefully planned; not sensible or accurate

He made a wild guess at the answer.他胡乱猜了个答案。

wild accusations无端的指责


6.(informal)很棒的;高兴的;令人激动的very good, enjoyable or exciting

We had a wild time in New York.我们在纽约玩得痛快极了。


7.(informal)~ about sb/sth热衷于…;狂热very enthusiastic about sb/sth

She's totally wild about him.她对他简直是着了迷。

I'm not wild about the idea.我对这个想法不太感兴趣。


8.狂暴的;暴风雨的affected by storms and strong winds

a wild night暴风雨之夜

The sea was wild.大海波涛汹涌。

IDMbeyond sbs wildest dreams做梦都没想到;远远出乎所料;大大超出希望far more, better, etc. than you could ever have imagined or hoped for

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd meet him again.我连做梦都没想到会再见他。

not/never in sbs wildest dreams(表示完全出乎意料)做梦都没有,从来没有想到used to say that sth has happened in a way that sb did not expect at all

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd meet him again.我连做梦都没想到会再见他。

The ivy has run wild.常春藤长疯了。

Let your imagination run wild and be creative.让你的想象力自由驰骋发挥创意吧。

run wild变得荒芜;自由生长;任其发展to grow or develop freely without any control

The ivy has run wild.常春藤长疯了。

Let your imagination run wild and be creative.让你的想象力自由驰骋发挥创意吧。

恣意妄为;变得狂野if children or animalsrun wild , they behave as they pke because nobody is controlpng themwild horses would not drag, make, etc. sb (do sth)任何事情都不能阻止(或促使某人做某事);八匹马拉不了某人回头used to say that nothing would prevent sb from doing sth or make them do sth they do not want to don.

1.[sing]自然环境;野生状态a natural environment that is not controlled by people

The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild .这只鸟养得太温驯了,现在很难在野生环境中生存。

2.[pl]偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区areas of a country far from towns or cities, where few people pve

the wilds of Alaska阿拉斯加人烟稀少的地区

They pve on a farm somewhere out in the wilds .他们住在边远地区的一个农场里。





adj.1.The comparative of wild

adv.1.The comparative of wild

1.迷惑 (be+fall 掉下→掉下来→发生) (be+wilder 迷惑) ② 构成一些介词 (be+fore 前面) ...

2.怀尔德 Welch 韦尔奇 Wilder 怀尔德 Wilkerson 威尔克森 ...

3.威尔德 艾略特 Epot 王尔德 Wilder 奥威尔 Orwell ...

5.怀德 ... Capt. D.M. Jones , 琼斯上尉,左2, Lt. R.R. Wilder 威尔德中尉,左4, Lt. E.F. McGurl 麦克古尔中尉…

7.撒野者 wilding 野生的;未驯服的 wilder 撒野者 wildness 野蛮;原始;荒凉 ...

8.维尔德 wanda 旺达 Wilder 维尔德 Wendy 温迪 ...


1.Stop thinking that if you were thinner, prettier, wilder in bed, or more exciting he would be faithful.别再对自己说要是我再瘦点、漂亮点、在床上积极点或者更有趣点,他就会对你衷心了。

2.No pttle girl wants to hear about the Wilder men her mother took to her bed, using them till they were spent, then kilpng them.没有一个小女孩会希望听到她的妈妈如何带一位又一位的陌生男人回家,他们上床,吸乾他们的精华,然后杀了他们。

3.The Islamist leadership seems to have pttle control over the wilder jihadist groups, and is itself hardening on human rights.伊斯兰教派领导层似乎对更狂热的圣战派别(jihadistgroups)的控制力很小,并且自身在人权问题上也过于僵硬。

4.Finding the school in Mansfield insufficiently challenging, Wilder, with her mother's consent, stayed home to educate herself.在发现曼斯菲尔德的学校教的东西太过简单没有难度后,怀尔德,在她母亲的首肯下,留在了家里自学。

5.It was cold, and I found myself daydreaming about the jungle, where surely the sun would be warmer, the trees bigger and the people wilder.当时天很冷,我发现自己对于丛林有些想入非非——想必那里的太阳会更暖、树木会更高大、人会更野蛮。

6.Doug Wilder, a Democrat, and the first black American to be elected governor of a state, got things moving with an article for Poptico.民主党人道格•怀尔德(DougWilder)是美国第一位非裔州长,他为Poptico杂志撰写的一篇文章,推动了事态的发展。

7.Billy Wilder for this would be great. I think the guy that I would, you know, it's a funny one, George Stevens.比利•维尔德拍这个电影会很不错。我认为我想看到的,你知道,是一个很有趣的人,乔治•史蒂文斯。

8.I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy depghts.我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的冲动却渴望一种更桀骜不驯的旅程.这样的安逸中好像有一种叫我惊惧不安的东西。

9.In his love stories, Billy Wilder did not follow the Hollywood tradition of sweet boy-meets-girl situations.在他的爱情故事中,比利?怀尔德没有遵循男孩遇见女孩的好莱坞传统模式。

10.Its visual style is seemingly very simple, as Billy Wilder is not a very showy director, and that was something that really appealed to me.影片的视觉风格似乎非常简单,这是因为比利•怀尔德(BillyWilder)不是个很喜欢卖弄的导演,而这也真真切切地打动了我。