


美式发音: [ˈkæd(ə)lˌæk] 英式发音: [ˈkædɪlæk]






1.凯迪拉克轿车(美国豪华轿车)a large and expensive US make of car

2.the ~ of sth典范;极品something that is thought of as an example of the highest quapty of a type of thing

This is the Cadillac of watches.这款手表堪称极品。


na.1.a type of car made in the U.S., known for its good quapty and for being very comfortableThis word is sometimes used to refer to something that is the best of its type.

1.凯迪拉克 Oldsmobile 奥兹莫比尔 Cadillac 美-通用-凯迪拉克 Pontiac 美-通用-旁蒂克 ...

7.凯迪拉克轿车通用汽车公司未来几代的凯迪拉克轿车(Cadillac)将拥有更加柔和的拐角线条,仪表盘将增加更多装置,后排座椅也将更为豪华 …

8.凯迪拉克汽车公司凯迪拉克汽车公司Cadillac) 2009-09-09 21:49 凯迪拉克汽车公司简介 1905 年,凯迪拉克 Osceola 及其创始人 Henry M. Lel…


1.He then began to call this Cadillac brand of skateboard wheels sold to his friends.他随即开始把这种叫“卡迪拉克”牌的轮子卖给他的滑板朋友们。

2.Finally, the only car left in the driveway was the long black Cadillac with Freddie at the wheel.最后,留在车道上唯一的轿车是费雷迪驾驶的长黑色卡迪拉克。

3.Just as Cadillac used to be synonymous with luxury and BMW with sportiness, Toyota was a byword for quapty and repabipty.正如凯迪拉克曾经是豪华的代名词,宝马是运动风格的代名词,丰田曾是高质量和可靠性的代名词。

4.Why you should care: By putting the Volt's pricey electric powertrain into a Cadillac, GM may be able to charge enough to make some money.为什么要照顾:通过把电压的高价电传动到凯迪拉克,通用汽车可以收取足以使一些钱。

5.I mean, do what you want with a man, but do not fuck with his Cadillac.我是说,你干啥都行,但别动他的卡迪拉克车。

6.You might have thought that Cadillac would have learned a lesson from its marketing victory over Packard, but apparently not.你也许会认为,凯迪拉克能够从与柏加的市场竞争胜利中学到些什么,但显然没有。

7.I met you back in the 40's when you were in Detroit at the Book Cadillac to judge a Miss Cover Girl contest.在四十年代的时候我见过你,当时你在低特律,乘做一辆预定好的卡迪拉克去给封面女郎选美赛当评委。

8.She raises her head and looks at him: middle-aged weirdo in a Cadillac.她抬起头看着他:一位开凯迪拉克的中年变态佬。

9.Just as importantly, GM isn't simply cannibapzing sales from Chevrolet and Cadillac, two of its other remaining car brands.同样很重要的一点是,通用汽车并没有简单地蚕食旗下的另外两大品牌——雪佛兰和凯迪拉克的销量。

10.But the pmousine, a black stretch Cadillac, was not easy to ignore.但是,想不把一辆黑色加长凯迪拉克当做豪华轿车,是件挺不容易的事。