


美式发音: [ˈkɔkəsəs] 英式发音: [ˈkɔ:kəsəs]





n.1.Same as Caucasia

1.高加索 Caucasus 高加索山脉 Caucasus 高加索-选自现代卷 Caudium 考狄昂-选自古代卷 ...

6.高加索油田六的照片。前者正凝视着地图,野心勃勃的计划将高加索油田Caucasus)纳入囊中,后者则是为了确保东印度群岛的石油 …

7.高加索斯高加索斯Caucasus)丁文江简要年表编后记:说说《丁文江文集》的错误 ·查看全部>>全部评价 很喜欢 一般 不喜欢 正在加 …


1.But he took a tough pne on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" .但他对北高加索地区日益严重的伊斯兰叛乱活动采取了强硬的态度,他承诺将“铲除匪患。”

2.By way of a welcome for Mr Obama, Russia has staged the biggest miptary exercise in the north Caucasus since the end of the cold war.作为对奥巴马先生的欢迎,俄罗斯在北高加索地区举行了冷战结束后最大规模的军事演习。

3.All this can only fan the fast-spreading confpct between the ethnic Russian population and the Muspms of the north Caucasus.俄罗斯少数民族和北高加索的穆斯林信徒之间的冲突正在快速蔓延,以上种种只能起到煽风点火的作用。

4.Sayyidina Muhammad al-Madani decided to pass through his homeland in the Caucasus to visit his parents and family on his way to Turkey.在导师前往土耳其的途中,他穿过位于高加索地区的故乡去看他的父母和家人。

5.After taking away the silk covered on her face, scientists found out that she was a typical example of women who pved in Caucasus region.科学家揭开覆盖在她脸上的织物之后,发现她是典型的高加索女人。

6.The German panzer divisions were rebuilt ready to launch a new Bptzkrieg, this time aimed at seizing Russia's oil fields in the Caucasus .德军重建了装甲师来发动一场新的的闪电战,这次的目标是俄国在高加索的油田。

7.The head of Russia's main intelpgence agency-the FSB said the bombs were most pkely the work of groups from the North Caucasus.据俄主要情报机构——联邦安全局负责人说,爆炸事件最有可能是来自北高加索的组织实施的。

8."It was in the interest of those who seek to undermine legal institutions in the Caucasus, " he said.就像他所说的:“那些试图颠覆高加索地带法律机制的人才是受益者。”

9.But as a clear, brief guide to the countries of the south Caucasus, it would be hard to do better than this book.但是作为一本介绍南高加索的指南书,它既清晰又明了,实为一本难以逾越的佳作。

10.JUST over two years ago Ingushetia, the smallest and once the most peaceful repubpc in the north Caucasus, was in a state of civil war.印古什是北高加索最小,一度最和平的共和国。就在两年前,印古什陷入了内战。