




1.联合国国际贸易法委员会 unchuck 拆下卡盘 UNCITRAL 联合国国际贸易法律委员会 unclamp 卸开 …

5.联合国国际贸易委员会如联合国国际贸易委员会UNCITRAL)1996年12月16日通过的《电子贸易示范法》(model law on Electronic Commerce) …

6.联合国贸易法律委员会一、联合国贸易法律委员会(UNCITRAL)138-139 二、世界贸易组织(WTO)139 三、世界知识产权组织(WIPO)139-140 四、国际 …


1.The draft of Transport Law, which is now under consideration and discussion by UNCITRAL, is one of the issues that attract most attention.联合国贸法会正在审议和磋商的《运输法草案》是当今海商法界最热点的问题之一。

2.State participation in UNCITRAL, either as an elected member State of the Commission or as an observer State is entirely voluntary.国家作为经选举产生的委员会成员国或作为观察员国参加贸易法委员会是完全自愿的。

3.I am involved in a dispute with a company and our contract provides for arbitration pursuant to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.我卷入了与一家公司的纠纷,而我们的合同中规定根据《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》进行仲裁。

4.My computer will not display some of the documents contained on the UNCITRAL Web site.我的计算机无法显示贸易法委员会网站上的某些文件。

5.A summary of the technical assistance activities conducted each year is included in the annual report of UNCITRAL.贸易法委员会的年度报告列出了每年进行的技术活动摘要。

6.This page is updated whenever the UNCITRAL Secretariat is informed of changes in enactment of the Model Law.贸易法委员会秘书处了解到该公约状况的变化后随时增补本页。

7.Does UNCITRAL offer legal advice in specific disputes , administer arbitrations or recommend legal practitioners ?贸易法委员会是否就具体纠纷提供法律咨询意见,是否进行仲裁,是否推荐法律从业人员?。

8.Does the work of UNCITRAL affect consumer protection legislation?贸易法委员会的工作是否影响保护消费者的法规?

9.Does participation in UNCITRAL diminish state sovereignty?参加贸易法委员会是否削弱了国家主权?

10.Does the work of UNCITRAL take environmental issues into account?贸易法委员会的工作是否考虑到环境问题?