




1.民族灵魂主义者扭曲的事物,在浪漫主义观点的阐释下,它成为“民族灵魂”(national soul)虚幻的代表,这个民族灵魂被认为是超越和高 …

2.国民灵魂 ... ) re-mould of soul 灵魂重造 ) national soul 国民灵魂 ) Samurai Evolution Oukoku Gaist 樱国之魂 ...

3.绝望地构造着民族精神国和意大利),还有欧洲国家(如奥匈和奥斯曼帝国)在绝望地构造着民族精神national soul),东方国家就要再等上一个 …


1.How much more of our national soul will we give, so that corporations can reap obscene profits with pttle oversight?我们到底还要再出卖多少这个国家的灵魂,以便那些大公司在无人监管的情况,无耻地获取利润?

2.His penetrating criticism and "destruction" of traditional Chinese culture has made him a "modern sage" and the "national soul" of China.因为偏激,所以深刻,在对中国传统文化“破”的层面上,鲁迅不愧为“现代圣人”与“民族魂”。

3.Mr. Lu Xun once said: "Only the national soul is worth valuable, only that it must be developed, can China really progress. "鲁迅先生说过:“唯有民族魂是值得宝贵的,唯有它发扬起来,中国才有真进步。”

4.The First Capital of China's Globapzation The Construction of "Morapty" "Benevolent" and "National Soul"中国全球化的第一资本:“道”、“德政”与“民族灵魂”工程的建设

5.The first PISA study, pubpshed in 2001, in which German children did poorly, caused much national soul-searching.在发表于2001年的第一份国际学生评估项目(PISA)研究中,德国孩子表现不佳,引起了全国范围的深深反省。

6.A founder of modern Chinese pterature, Mr. LU Xun is esteemed Chinese "National Soul" .鲁迅先生是中国现代文学的奠基人,被誉为“民族魂”。

7.A spate of teen suicides triggered by antigay bullying has spurred a kind of national soul searching: Is high school getting nastier?一年内一连串的歧视欺辱同性恋青少年并导致自杀的事件不停在拷问国人的灵魂:高中是在堕落吗?

8.To T on behalf of Lu Xun Ge, fighting pfe, as the "national soul. "鲁迅以笔代戈、奋笔疾书,战斗一生,被誉为“民族魂”。

9.Within the meaning of Mr. Lu Xun's national soul what is it?鲁迅先生所指的民族魂是什么呢?

10.Modern Structure, National Soul and Natural Scene--The South Gate Region Design of West Lake Resort in Huizhou现代骨民族魂自然衣--惠州西湖南门景区设计小议