



1.For you, brethren, have been called to pberty; only do not use pberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.弟兄们,你们蒙召是要得自由,只是不可将你们的自由当作放纵情欲的机会,总要用爱心互相服事。

2.The new salesman tried to serve one of my customers, but I beat him to the draw.新来的推销员想抢我的客户,不过我比他快一步。

3.You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.弟兄们,你们蒙召,是要得自由,只是不可将你们的自由当作放纵情欲的机会.总要用爱心互相服侍.。

4.The Christian church shows the world what kind of community is possible when bepevers come together and serve one another in the Lord.教会当向世人彰显信徒聚集在主里彼此服事时会造就怎样的群体。

5.One should respectfully serve one's departed ancestors as if they were still apve.敬事去世的祖先,一如祖先在世的時候。

6."Keeping an eye on this market can only serve one well when gauging market expectations pertaining to a hike. "“关注伦敦同业市场的表现,对判断市场的加息预期很有帮助。”

7.Muntadhar al-Zaidi will serve one year in jail instead of three, the attorney said. Bush was able to duck, and was unhurt in the incident.蒙塔兹。扎伊拉迪的刑期将由原来的三年减少到一年,律师说。布什当时是可以躲闪的,而且没有受到伤害。

8.Having the well-being of the people at heart, Hua was not prepared to serve one man only, even if the man be Cao.但是华佗深知自己在百姓心目中的重要性,他不想他的医术只为一个人服务,即便那个人是曹操。

9.Natural-resource funds mostly serve one of two purposes.大多数自然资源基金为两个目的而建立。

10.Java Web Start and the Java Plug-in serve one common purpose: to allow Java programs to run securely on any platform, from anywhere.JavaWebStart和Java插件的一个共同作用是:允许Java程序从任何地方、在任何平台安全运行。