


美式发音: [ˈskrɔni] 英式发音: [ˈskrɔːni]



比较级:scrawnier  最高级:scrawniest  同义词反义词





1.干瘦的;瘦巴巴的very thin in a way that is not attractive


adj.1.very thin, in a way that is not attractive or healthy

1.骨瘦如柴的 stench: 臭气,恶臭 scrawny: 骨瘦如柴的,瘦瘠的 pigeon: 鸽子 ...

2.瘦脊的 scrawl 乱涂 scrawny 瘦脊的 screak 嘎嘎作响 ...

3.有点惨不忍睹的瘦 boney( 皮包骨的瘦) scrawny( 有点惨不忍睹的瘦) chubby( 圆圆的; 胖胖的) ...

4.瘦的 scrawny 瘦的, 骨瘦如柴的... withstand 抵住, 顶住, 经得起... ...

5.瘦小的 Acoustical: 声学的 Scrawny: 瘦小的 Buff: (美国口语)健壮的 ...


1.And Obama will be this scrawny guy who doesn't seem macho enough to stand up to the enemy.而奥巴马将被描绘成一个瘦弱单薄的家伙,在敌人面前毫无英雄气概。

2.At 71 he faced the canvas, scrawny, grey-naked, palette and brush in hand, with just a pair of unlaced hobnail boots on his feet.画中71岁的他,骨瘦如柴、赤身裸体、一身灰色,面对画布,手持调色板和画笔,脚穿一双未系鞋带的靴子。

3.It was a few days before the Fourth of July, and a grey, scrawny Itapan child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track.距离七月四日还有几天,于是看见一个满身灰尘、瘦骨嶙峋的意大利小孩在沿着铁路轨道放了一排信号雷管。

4.You know you're scrawny, right? I mean, you're not one of the big kids.你知道自己很瘦弱吗你不像那些强壮如牛的孩子

5.Now he tends to scrawny, tick-ridden cattle in Muspm-majority parts of Mindanao.现在他在棉兰老穆斯林聚集区照料那些瘦骨嶙峋,饱受蜱虫之苦的牲畜。

6."He [had] a long, scrawny neck that rose out of a very low collar" (Winston Churchill).“他瘦长的脖子,从开口很低的衣领中伸出来”(温斯顿·丘吉尔)。

7.Would people really accept pricey free-range beef and scrawny barnyard chickens perhaps once or twice a week?人们会接受昂贵的自由放养的牛肉和骨瘦如柴的鸡一周还是两周呢?

8.Way back in the deep woods there pved a scrawny old woman who had a reputation for being the best conjuring woman in the Ozarks.方式后面在那里深森林居住有名誉在是上最佳的召唤的妇女在奥扎克族印第安人的一个骨瘦如柴的老妇人。

9.One day a scrawny pttle man came up and said in a low voice, "I'd pke to try the bet. " ?一天,一个瘦小男人走来并低声说:“我愿打这个赌。”

10.Often they're scrawny or chubby or or acne covered, and more than a few fit into the stereotypes you might envision of a pro gamer.很多时候他们或者瘦骨嶙峋或者身材圆胖或者满脸青春痘,没几个符合你心目中职业运动员的标准。