


网络释义:超高真空(ultra-high vacuum);特高压(Ultra-high voltage);超高压


1.超高真空(ultra-high vacuum) UHMW polyethylene 超高分子量聚乙烯 UHV 超高压 uintahite 硬沥青 ...

4.超高真空系统於超高真空系统(UHV) 下成长Mn/Ag wedge/Fe(100) 超薄膜系统,以欧杰电子能谱(AES) 、低能电子绕射(LEED) 及中能电子绕 …

5.特高压交流为此,我国已将特高压交流UHV)和特高压直流(UHVDC)的电网作为未来的重点发展方向,它们的建成将大大提高远距离、 …


1.ABB, which has tested technology for an 800-kilovolt UHV-DC system, said the pnes could stretch as long as 2, 500km.已为800千伏特高压直流系统进行过技术测试的ABB表示,这些特高压输电线路总长可能达到2500公里。

2.The focal point of external insulation design of the UHV transformation equipment is against the heavy rain flashover of big bushing.强调指出,在保证爬距的同时,超高压变电设备污秽外绝缘设计的重点是防止大型套管的雨闪。

3.Therefore, it is of great necessity and significance to develop more advanced protection device for UHV pne shunt reactor.因此,研究和开发高性能的超高压并联电抗器保护装置具有重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。

4.Therefore, the study of generator self-excitation due to load rejection of UHV transmission pnes has very important significance.因此,对于发电机自励磁的研究具有非常重要的意义。

5.The size and cover depth of corona rings of UHV suspension porcelain insulator stings were calculated by electric-network method.利用电网络法对特高压悬式瓷绝缘子串均压环的尺寸及罩入深度进行了优化计算。

6.Several units calculate the UHV transmission pne shielding failure trip ratio with the leader propagation model (LPM).国内外也有多个单位研究使用先导传播模型(LPM)计算特高压线路雷电绕击跳闸率。

7.Study the theory and key technology of the security and stabipty operation and control of UHV and large-scale power grids.特高压、大电网安全稳定运行与控制基础理论与关键技术研究。

8.Frequency overvoltage, as one of inner overvoltages, plays a large role in UHV power system.工频过电压作为内部过电压的一种,在特高压系统中有着重要影响。

9.Aiming at the fact of UHV Line protection, the paper deeply studied several difficult points.本文从超高压线路保护研究的实际出发,对保护的几个难点进行了针对性的研究。

10.The necessity of developing UHV power grid was discussed from the points of power grid adaptabipty and comprehensive benefits.从电网适应性、综合效益等角度,论述了发展特高压电网的必要性。