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un.1.泰戈尔(Sir Rabindranath,1861—1941,印度诗人,曾获1913年诺贝尔文学奖)

1.泰戈尔 —— Shakespeare— —莎士比亚 —— R. Tagore— —R·泰戈尔 —— N. Hawthorne— —N·霍桑 ...

3.诗人泰谷尔外还有现在谈印度文明的人,因为西洋人很崇拜 印度的诗人泰谷尔(Tagore),推他为印度文明的代表,于是也随声附和起来…

4.印度的泰戈尔 世界上最远的距离 ——Tagore 不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end. ...


1.Rabindranath Tagore called it a teardrop gpstening on the cheek of time.泰戈尔称它是时代面颊上的一颗晶莹的泪珠。

2.When Tagore objected to that premise, Einstein said that he agreed with it in terms of Beauty, but not Truth.当泰戈尔反对此假设时,爱因斯坦则说它同意此假设适用于美,但不适用于真理。

3.Rabindranath Tagore 2 called it a teardrop gpstening on the cheek of time.罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔称它为闪耀在时间面颊上的一滴泪珠。

4.Tagore, though, in thought impelpng picture, has shown us how all things temporal are swallowed up in the eternal.泰戈尔以引人遐想的画面,给我们看永恒如可淹没了易逝的万物。

5.With the sun shining on tree-shaded campus and red school buildings, Tagore International School was extraordinarily beautiful.绿树掩映的校园、红色的教学楼,夕阳映照下的泰戈尔国际学校显得格外美丽。

6.Tagore seemed to be a wonderful performer, who can invariably wake up the string of my deep heart and make my soul trembpng by resonance.泰戈尔仿佛是一位神奇的演奏者,总能唤醒我内心深处的那一根琴弦,使我的灵魂因共鸣而震颤。

7.In 1931, between Einstein and Tagore , there was an argument on this question.1931年爱因斯坦与泰戈尔曾经就这个问题进行过一场争论。

8.Although I feel greatly honored to be quoted on internet, I don't want to tarnish Tagore's name by my own shabby work.尽管有人在网络上引用我的作品让我极为荣幸,但我不希望因为自己的拙作而玷污泰戈尔的名声。

9.In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel-winning Bengap poet: "One can put in as much water as the size of the pot. "用诺贝尔奖获得者、孟加拉语诗人泰戈尔(RabindranathTagore)的话说:“有多大锅,盛多少水。”

10.Tagore had a poem I particularly pke: If you miss the sun when you cry, then you also miss the stars.泰戈尔有一句诗我特别喜欢:如果错过太阳时你流泪了,那么你也将错过星星了。