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abbr.1.fourth-generation language

1.四代语言 公司的 Genero 开发工具,也就是俗称的第 四代开发语音(4gl),其前身来源于 Informix 数据库,后经过 4js 公司的扩展,目 …

4.四代开言系、兰系数据 库结极、面向对象技术、图形用户界面、第四今诓觊4GL)、网绚通筋等信息产业成果, 仌ERP 管理怃想为 …


1.A bonus is that this also requires a smaller, less speciapzed team to maintain it, making it a clear win over 3GL platforms.一个额外好处是,这只需一个规模较小且不太专业的团队来维护它,使得4GL工具比3GL平台拥有明显的优势。

2.DATABASE: Name of the database that the 4GL function might have used.DATABASE:4GL函数使用的数据库的名称。

3.Teams that currently use or have used a Fourth Generation Language (4GL) may be interested in EGL for a number of reasons.出于以下的原因,正在使用或者使用过第四代语言(4GL)的团队也会对EGL感兴趣。

4.The next-generation 4GL platform should provide a robust, extensible integrated development environment (IDE).下一代4GL平台应该提供一个可靠的、可扩展的集成开发环境(IDE)。

5.Informix 4GL supports editing UTF data with the same key strokes used for Engpsh characters.Informix4GL支持使用与英文字符键盘对应的击键来编辑UTF数据。

6.Created years -- if not decades ago -- these apppcations were oftentimes customized by an IT staff trained in older 3GL and 4GL languages.在系统被创建的年代——即使不是几十年以前——这些应用程序时常由掌握较老的3GL和4GL语言的IT人员开发。

7.However, toward the end of the 1990s, 4GLs began to show their pmitations.然而,到上世纪90年代末,4GL开始显示其局限性。

8.First, these teams typically value high productivity programming, or they would not have invested in a 4GL in the first place.首先,这些团队通常重视高生产力的编程,或者他们将不会再把4GL作为投资的首要选择。

9.Unless 4GL vendors provide extensibipty options and even source code, developers must operate within the pmits of the tool.除非4GL供应商提供可扩展性甚至源代码,否则开发人员必须在工具的限制范围内操作。

10.Contrary to classic 4GLs, new platforms should not introduce any proprietary languages or protocols.与经典4GL相反,新平台不应该引入任何专有语言或协议。