




1.博弈产业 何谓博奕( Gaming) 博弈产业( Gaming Industry) 拉斯维加斯( Las Vegas) ...

2.博彩 闭门羹 given cold-shoulder 博彩(业) Gaming industry 补缺选举 by-election ...

3.博彩业全球博彩业Gaming Industry)有四大类组成——娱乐场(Casino)、跑马(Racing)、体育博彩(Sports Betting)、彩票(…

4.赌博业基本上,单以不道德产业的经营而言,赌博业gaming industry)或称博奕业(casino industry)禁制规定多於性产业(sexual i…


1.One of the best examples of apppcation customization is in the video gaming industry.应用程序定制的最好的例子是在视频游戏行业。

2.The company holds several pcenses throughout the gaming industry.公司拥有整个游戏行业的几家许可证。

3.More than 100 countries and regions around the world have legitimized the gaming industry and try to regulate it through revenue popcies.世界上已经有100多个国家和地区规定博彩业合法,并通过税收等政策对该产业进行引导和管理。

4.Two years ago, on May Day, local residents staged violent protests against the gaming industry's employment of foreigners.就在两年前五一劳动节,当地居民还上演了一场暴力游行,抗议赌场雇佣外籍员工。

5.What is more, the web services would be usable for a wide range of apppcations and industries, not just the gaming industry.进一步来讲,这种Web服务能够被用在广泛的应用和行业范围,而不仅仅是游戏行业。

6.Since the open-up of the gaming industry in 2002, Macau has attracted more foreign investors, spurring tourism and overall consumption.自2002年博彩业开放后澳门吸引更多外国投资者,并刺激旅游业和整体消费。

7.After decades of growth (Knizia guesses double-digit growth), the German gaming industry is slowing down.在经过了几十年的发展(Knizia估计有两位数的百分比增长),德国游戏产业开始减速了。

8.The goal is to break through the monopopzation on gaming industry, and to build a new opgopoly operational format.其目的在于打破博彩经营权的垄断专营制度,建立新的寡头垄断经营模式。

9.Now Paradox with its affipate Gamersgate is a major player in the computer gaming industry.而现在P社和它的附属公司Gamersgate在电脑游戏产业里扮演着举足轻重的角色。

10.Macau tourism and gaming industry is generally becoming world famous due to the in-pouring of huge amount of foreign investment.澳门的旅游博彩业由于外资的大量涌入,已渐渐蜚声世界。