


美式发音: [hwaɪn] 英式发音: [waɪn]




第三人称单数:whines  现在分词:whining  过去式:whined  同义词反义词






1.[i][t](+ speech).~ that…哭哭啼啼;哭嚷to complain in an annoying, crying voice

Stop whining!别哭哭啼啼的!

‘I want to go home,’ whined Toby.“我要回家。”托比哭嚷道。

2.[i]哀鸣;惨叫to make a long high unpleasant sound because you are in pain or unhappy

The dog whined and scratched at the door.那狗嗷嗷地叫着抓门。

3.[i]嘎嘎响;嗖嗖响;嘎吱嘎吱响to make a long high unpleasant sound


1.嘎吱声;吱吱声;嘎嘎声a long high sound that is usually unpleasant or annoying

the steady whine of the engine发动机不停的嘎吱声

2.(儿童发出的)哭喊声;(狗发出的)号叫声a long high cry that a child or dog makes when it is hurt or wants sth

3.抱怨的语调a high tone of voice that you use when you complain about sth

v.1.发牢骚 (about)2.(狗等)悲嗥;啜泣;哀诉,诉怨3.哀诉;嘀咕地说 (out)


v.1.to complain in a way that annoys other people; to say something in this way2.if a dog whines, it makes a high noise, usually because it wants something3.if something whines, it makes a high loud sound

n.1.a complaint, especially one that you make in an annoying voice2.a high sound made by a machine, insect, etc.3.the sounds that a dog makes to let you know what it wants

1.抱怨 /welcome( 欢迎) /whine抱怨) /whistle( 口哨) ...

2.牢骚 /Welcome( 欢迎) /Whine( 牢骚) /Whistle( 口哨) ...

3.发牢骚 whimper 呜咽 whine 发牢骚 whip 鞭笞 ...

4.哀诉 /哀号 / moan /哀诉 / whine /爱 / love ...

5.发呜呜声 incessantly adv. 连续不断的 whine v. 发呜呜声 hepcopter n. 直升飞机 ...

6.发出低声报怨声 哭嚎、又哭又闹 blubber:To cry loudly noisily. 发出低声报怨声 whine:To make a low complaining cry. ...

7.哀鸣 correct adj. 正确的, 恰当的, 端正的 whine n. 抱怨, 牢骚, 哀鸣 beating v. 挫败n.打, 敲打 ...

8.哀号 whimsy 古怪,异想天开 whine 哀号,号哭 whiningly 抱怨地 ...


1.When the human race's survival is in question you don't whine about how much potential solution "X" will cost.在人类面临生存问题的当口,你就不应该再纠结于那些潜在的X计划到底会花多少钱。

2.You were just about to go in there and whine for more money with that silly puppy dog face. . . and I'm gonna shut up now.你马上就要用那张白痴小狗的脸去哭闹着要更多的钱了…我马上就闭嘴。

3.You think of it, so you know, because it's so easy to whine.你想到这件事,因为抱怨很容易。

4.The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects.森林的静谧比起暑热来更为逼人,在这个时刻,甚至连各种昆虫的哀鸣都没有了。

5.'This shining moment of whine-free pving made me reapze how much kvetching I do on a daily basis.她说:这种无可抱怨的美好时光让我意识到,自己平时的生活都是在牢骚满腹中度过的。

6.Parry came away from the tree and stood in front of me, staring at his feet. 'I'd rather we went inside, ' he said, with a hint of a whine.帕里从树下走到我面前,盯着自己的双脚。“我更愿意进屋里谈。”他带着一丝哀求说道。

7.No, Father, please, he tried to say, but dogs cannot speak the tongues of men, so all that emerged was a piteous whine.不要,爸爸,求你。他想说话,但是狗说不出人的语言,只能发出一声哀嚎。

8.Possibly picking up the scent of her young, she let out a high-pitched, plaintive whine.她可能闻到了幼崽的气味,发出一声尖锐,哀伤的悲嚎。

9.Because researchers in London have developed technology to cancel out the drill's unpleasant high-pitched whine.因为伦敦的研究人员已经开发出能够消除这种令人不愉快的嘎嘎高音的技术。

10.Do not complain or whine if your game is not going well; a good game is bound to happen sooner or later.如果这一局打得不顺利,也别发牢骚或抱怨,迟早你会打好的。