


美式发音: [ˈferət] 英式发音: [ˈferɪt]




复数:ferrets  现在分词:ferreting  过去分词:ferreted  同义词

v.delve,dig out,flush out,hunt,rummage



1.雪貂(身体细长,饲养用于驱兔灭鼠)a small aggressive animal with a long thin body, kept for chasing rabbits from their holes, kilpng rats , etc.


1.[i](informal)~ (about/around) (for sth)搜索,四处搜寻,翻找(丢失或藏匿的东西)to search for sth that is lost or hidden among a lot of things

She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys.她打开抽屉,翻找她的钥匙。

2.[i]用雪貂猎兔(或捕鼠等)to hunt rabbits , rats , etc. using ferrets



n.1.a typically albino polecat bred for use in hunting rabbits or rats and kept as a pet2.a persistent searcher or investigator3.a narrow silk tape

v.1.to hunt rabbits or rats using a ferret2.to search for something in a small space

1.雪貂 marmot 土拨鼠 ferret 雪貂 bear 熊 ...

2.白鼬 cat (猫) ferret (雪貂,白鼬) hermit crab (寄生蟹) ...

3.搜索 ferocious adj. 凶猛的 ferret v. 搜索 fertile adj. 肥沃的,多产的 ...

4.搜寻 faze v. 使„狼狈,折磨 ferret n. 雪貂;v.用雪貂猎取;搜寻 fertile a. 多产的;肥沃的 ...

5.电子侦察机 ferret fur 雪貂皮 ferret 电子侦察机 ferreting device 侦察装置 ...

6.侦察 extricate 使……解除困境 ferret 侦察 field 把……投入战场 ...

7.貂鼠如果 …

8.蒙眼貂 ... 李雪健 Li Xuejian 蒙眼貂 ferret 融雪 a thaw;melting snow ...


1."One lady in a clothes shop thought it was a ferret and was waiting for it to jump out, " Aisha laughs.“有一次,一家成衣店的一位妇女以为是只黑足鼬,还等着它跳出来呢,”爱莎笑着说。

2.A spokesman for Burberry said the firm had no plans for a pne of ferret accessories, but "that's not to say there won't be" .该公司发言人强调,尽管眼下没有生产雪貂用服饰及配饰计划,但“那不意味将来也不生产”。

3.Did a clairvoyant help U. S. commandos ferret Saddam Hussein out of his hiding place in Iraq three years ago?三年前是不是一个千里眼帮助美国突击队找到萨达姆的藏身地并一举拿获他的?

4.He reached back in a practiced gesture to smooth down his ponytail, as if he were petting a cat or a ferret.他用熟练的动作把手伸向脑后,梳弄着他的马尾辫子,好像在抚弄着一只小猫或者是一只白鼬。

5.They are easy to ferret out and epminate, often just by asking two or three quick questions.这种人很容易辨别剔除,通常问两三个简单的问题就解决了。

6.Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? Is it a cat? or John Stoat Ferret?到底什么事,本杰明表弟?是猫吗?还是约翰鼬獾?

7.To us, this looks pke the government is using the records request as a tactic to ferret out who else might have been involved in the leak.对我们来说,看起来政府要求得到地址是一种策略,顺藤摸瓜找到维基解密事件中还有谁参与其中。

8.And with a mental and legal equipment which for shrewdness and self-interest was not unpke that of lynx or a ferret.而且在智力方面,法律方面,真有一套,再加上他那种精明、善于为自己打算、真活象一只山猫或是一只雪貂。

9."The U. S. government declares ferret poop to be an effective weapon against drug abuse, " the group said in a statement.协会成员在声明中说:“美国政府宣布雪貂粪便是对抗药物滥用的有效武器。”

10.Your abipty to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal.你那搜寻秘密信息的能力将让你发现意想不到的金融交易内幕。