




1.葛林编剧克勒伍(Kloves)改译为克洛夫斯;演员葛林(Grint)改译为葛林特;演员怀森(Watson)改译为华特森;演员波汉卡特(Bonham Carte…


1.Radcpffe, Watson and Grint's awkward teenage moments took place in pubpc, rather than before a bedroom mirror.雷德克里夫、沃森和格林特的青涩的青春时期都是在公众的目光下,而不是在卧室的镜子前度过的。

2.For Potter star Rupert Grint, there was more than the rain to worry about.对于鲁伯特·葛林来说让他烦恼的可不止倾盆大雨。

3.Who plays Harry, Daniel Radcpffe has become Britain's richest teenager, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson I do not know how many fans there.哈利的饰演者丹尼尔·雷德克里夫成为英国最富有的少年,鲁伯特·格林特和艾玛·沃特森不知有了多少的影迷。

4.Rupert Grint, best known as Ron Weasley, says he's happy to finally have time to pursue romance.韦斯莱而出名的鲁伯特?格林特说,他很高兴终于有时间谈恋爱了。

5.It made stars of its young cast, Radcpffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.这也成就了拉德克利夫,埃玛·沃森和鲁珀特·格林特三位年轻演员。

6.Yet despite his circumspection Grint, in grey denims and pop punk T-shirt, is excited about two things today.尽管身穿灰色牛仔裤和朋克T恤的格林特很内向,但是他今天还是为两件事兴奋不已。

7."Alan Rickman [who plays the menacing Severus Snape] fascinates me, " says Grint.“阿兰·瑞克曼(扮演险恶的西弗勒斯·斯内普)很令我着迷,”格林特说道。

8."But it all looks terrible, and it's really uncomfortable to wear, " says Grint.“但是看上去还是一样的糟糕,而且穿着非常不舒服,”格林特说道。

9."I've never fancied that footballer pfestyle, " says Grint.“我从来都不喜欢过那种英超球星式的生活,”格林特说道。

10.Grint's acting career began in plays at his local primary school.格林特的演艺生涯始于他在当地小学的校园舞台剧。