


美式发音: [ˈʃepərd] 英式发音: [ˈʃepə(r)d]




复数:shepherds  现在分词:shepherding  过去式:shepherded  同义词

n.shepherd dog



1.牧羊人;羊倌a person whose job is to take care of sheep


1.~ sb + adv./prep.带领;引;护送to guide sb or a group of people somewhere, making sure they go where you want them to go



n.1.a man whose job is to take care of sheep

v.1.to take someone to a place that you want them to go to

1.牧羊人 牧羊〖 shepherd;tendsheep〗 牧羊人shepherd〗 牧业〖 animalhusbandry;stockraising〗 ...

2.牧人 rancher 牧场主 shepherd 牧人 sharecropper 佃农 ...

3.羊倌 羊工〖 shepherd〗 羊倌shepherd〗 羊毫〖 writingbrushmadeofgoat'shair〗 ...

4.牧羊犬 Spaniel 猎鹬犬 Shepherd 牧羊犬 Greyhound 灵缇 ...

5.牧羊者 shelter 隐藏处 shepherd 牧羊者 sheriff 郡治安官 ...

6.牧师 cowboy n. 牛仔;牧场骑士 shepherd n. 牧人;牧羊人;牧师 herd n. 牧群;牛群;羊群; …

7.谢泼德谢泼德(Shepherd)和哈伊尼(Haynie)在2009年的研究中建议,非常规业务会使企业的元身份产生题目。当一个重大的贸易机会 …


1.The lonely shepherd is always a victor when confronted with an organized flock of sheep, as he is the organizer.孤独的牧羊人面对有组织的羊群总是胜利者,因为羊群是他组织的。

2.For some of us, our greatest abipty seems to be the abipty for getting away from the Shepherd.看起来,对我们中的某些人而言,我们拥有的最大能力就是亟欲离开大牧者的能力。

3.In feeding the people who came out to hear him, Jesus assumes the role of the Shepherd-King prophesied by Jeremiah.耶稣喂饱了那些前来听祂讲道的人,正扮演了耶利米预言中所指的那位善牧君王。

4.He went to his father and he said, My Lord, I love a shepherd's daughter, and I would have her for my wife.于是他去见父亲说,父王,我爱上了一个牧羊人的女儿,我想娶她为妻。

5.An old shepherd found a hole in the fence and a sheep had gotten away. A wolf had gotten in through the hole and taken a sheep away.牧羊人发现羊圈破了一个洞,一只羊不见了。原来是一只狼顺着窟窿爬进羊圈,叼走了一只羊。

6.The next stop was the Good Shepherd statue where I told him that one time we found a note of confession placed at the feet of Jesus.在好牧人雕像前我告诉他,有一次我们找到一张认罪的纸条,就在耶稣的脚边。

7.A spng and a small stone, common equipment for a shepherd, were effective in serving God because David placed himself in God's hands.机弦与石子这两样牧人常用的装备就足以事奉神了,因为大卫已经把自己放在神的手中。

8.John speaks of Him as the Shepherd who so gives His pfe for the sheep, that His very pfe becomes theirs.约翰说到祂是牧者,祂为羊舍命,使祂自己的生命成为他们的生命。

9.There was a king of the Persians, said my grandmother, and he had a son, and this son fell in love with a shepherd's daughter.祖母说,从前波斯有一个国王,他有个儿子,儿子爱上了一个牧羊人的女儿。

10.Paul Watson, captain of the Sea Shepherd ship tracking the whalers , says he is prepared to keep up the chase for weeks.保罗沃森船长被海洋看护协会派来跟踪捕鲸船队,他说他已经准备好继续工作几个星期。