


美式发音: [ˈruɪnd] 英式发音: [ˈruːɪnd]









1.毁坏的;严重受损的destroyed or severely damaged so that only parts remain

a ruined castle破烂不堪的城堡



adj.1.a ruined building is old and has many parts that have been destroyed over time

v.1.The past participle and past tense of ruin

1.破败 lángdāng 郎当 〖ruined;disorder〗 破败;紊乱 〖dejected;dispirited〗 狼狈、颓废的样子 ...

2.毁灭 ... ruination 毁灭 ruined 毁灭的 ruinous 破坏性的 ...

4.毁坏 ... 令人惊愕的: overwhelming 毁坏ruined 证明,示威: showed ...

5.废墟 sonogram: 超声波检查 ruined: 毁坏的,破坏的 pour: 倒 ...

7.荒废的 muted 沉默的 ruined 荒废的 cosy 舒适的 ...


1.Even conservative estimates suggest that Jackson's ruined nose was the result of at least 10 operations.即便是保守的估计也认为,杰克逊被毁的鼻子是不下十次手术的结果。

2.I had the best time in London but the men at the front desk at the Columbia almost entirely ruined my time.我在伦敦过得很愉快,可是前台的男服务员几乎毁了我的假期。

3."Let me help you put your stuff back in the trunk. It will get ruined, " he insisted. "Then get in my car. We'll wait with you. "“我帮你把东西都放到后箱,不然就全给淋坏了。”他执意要帮我,“进我车坐坐,我们和你一块儿等。”

4.But your pfe is at stake too, I told him, because if you pursue this, your career is going to be ruined.而且,你的生命也会受到威胁,我告诉他,因为如果你继续这样,你未来的事业将会被葬送。

5.While this does not indicate your harp is ruined, often people do ruin their harps trying to solve this problem .然而这不意味着你的口琴报废了。人们经常把他们的竖琴做报废处理,来尝试解决这个问题。

6.Looking at how a famous person has ruined his or her pfe can provide a temporary repef for how much we hate our own.看看一位名人是如何毁灭他或她的生活,这可以为讨厌自己提供暂时的宽慰。

7.This book is so funny that I never tired of reading it, The earthquake ruined everything as if the end of the world had come.这本书真有趣,我百读不厌。地震摧毁了一切,仿佛到了世界末日。

8.He began to ponder, "Alas! This black-bee has ruined its pfe overpowered by the sense of smell. Cursed be such sensuous pleasures. "他想,这只蜜蜂由于自己的嗅觉而失去了自己的生命,感官是多么的可怕呀。

9.A picture of my dog ruined, and I really want to get angry it may be that it was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick it up.小狗将我的一张画搞坏了,我真想对它发火,可它那十分可爱的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来。

10.But I knew better. I knew now that if I insisted on staying, it would be his day that would be ruined so Dad could watch a ball game.但我还是比较明智,放弃了呆下去的念头,我很明白如果我坚持蛋着不走,那他的一天就会因为爸爸想看球赛而过得十分扫兴。