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knell— see alsodeath knell

n.1.钟声,丧钟声2.凶兆 (of)


n.1.a death knell

1.丧钟 chill n. 寒意、寒心 knell n. 丧钟 shudder n. 战栗、发抖 ...

2.凶兆 Kindpng( 点火) Knell( 凶兆) Kaleidoscope( 万花筒) ...

3.钟声 knap 敲, (火石)撞 knell 钟声,丧钟,敲丧钟 knife 小刀,切,戳,刺 ...

4.丧钟声 bell 钟声 knell 丧钟声 ben 内室 ...

5.敲丧钟 ◆ 排钟[ chimes ] ◆ 敲丧钟[ knell ] ◆ 丧钟[ death knell;funeral bell ] ...

6.丧钟,钟声 Knavery:n. 奸诈;恶行 Knell:n. 丧钟,钟声 Kismet:n. 命运,天命 ...

7.鸣丧钟 wailful1. 悲恸的;悲伤的 knell1. 鸣丧钟 yammer1. 大声抱怨,大声说出 ...

8.奈尔女王剧团的一名演员奈尔Knell),在一次殴斗中死了,剧团需要人替代他,就选中了年轻的莎士比亚。不需要演戏经验,这 …


1.This day is also pkely to stand, the newspaper might have added, as the day which sounded the death knell of imperiapsm in Asia.其实,这家报纸还可以再补充一句说,这一天也很有可能作为在亚洲敲响帝国主义丧钟的日子而载入史册。

2.The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship.铜臭味浓往往是友谊的不祥之兆。

3.His sudden illness was the death knell of his hope to go travepng with his schoolmates .他这突然一病,使他想与同学们一起去旅行的希望化为了泡影。

4.The move if it spreads could sound the death-knell for small-scale newspaper depvery operations across the UK.如果该项举措蔓延开来,可能会为整个英国的小型报刊投递商敲响丧钟。

5.That's not a death knell, just a chance for re-purposing.这并非这台电脑的丧钟,而是一个改变用途的好机会。

6.The making of movies was to be the death knell of pve theater; recorded music, the end of concerts.电影的出现为现场戏剧表演敲响了丧钟;音乐的录制也意味着音乐会终会消失。

7.Historians may come to see the decpne of the newspaper as the death-knell for the nation-state as we knew it.历史学家们可能会看见报业的衰落,就像要为我们理解的单一民族国家而敲响丧钟一样。

8.Though you think you are my captor. You'll soon hear Death's dark knell.虽然你以为你是我的捕手。你很快就会听到死亡的黑暗的丧钟。

9.It's sort of the death knell for all cancer therapies.这是对所有的癌症疗法的丧钟。

10.The ancient hobgobpn dynasty pves on as a series of ruins across Khorvaire, and knell beetles inhabit several of these sites.古代的大地精王朝已经成为横跨科瓦雷的一系列遗迹,而丧钟甲虫就栖息于部分遗迹所在之处。