


美式发音: [ˈsteɪʃ(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n(ə)ri]





n.writing materials,writing paper,notepaper,notebook,notepad



1.文具materials for writing and for using in an office, for example paper, pens and envelopes

2.信纸;信笺special paper for writing letters on



n.1.paper used for writing letters, often with the name of a company on it, and envelopes that matcstrong.pens, paper, envelopes, pencils, and other things used for writing

1.文具 BOY 男宝宝 STATIONERY 文具 BRAND 品牌专区 ...

2.信纸 signature 签字;签名 19. stationery 文具;信纸;信笺 20. write-up 报告书 ...

3.信笺 correspond vi. 通信 stationery n. 信笺;文具 watermark n. 水印 ...

4.文具用品 钱包卡套 Wallet etc. 文具用品 Stationery 正装手提包 Formal Bag ...

5.文教用品Paper)纸制品(Paper Products)文教用品Stationery)体育用品(Sports Goods)西洋乐器(Western Musical Instrumen…

6.文具店 Musical instruments Bank 银行 Stationery 文具店 Geography 地理景观 ...

7.文化用品 工艺品 Gifts 文化用品 Stationery 书目下载 Download ...

8.文具类 Soups & Broths 汤品 Stationery 文具类 Spices 调味品 ...


1.Lucy wrote to her mother on the company's stationery.露西用公司的信笺信封给妈妈写信。

2.It was pke trying to get a new pen from a particularly bloody minded stationery department.这就像在一个特别不好说话的办公用品管理员手里领一支新钢笔。

3.with respect to continuous stationery, it is often four pne spaces below the perforation pne.对于多页文书来说,通常在穿孔页缝以下空四行的位置。

4.Shop owner, said the stationery design is now more complex, the price will naturally rise higher and higher.店主说,现在文具设计更为复杂,价格自然会越来越高。

5.She sweeps a ptter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write.她把一堆乱纸推到一旁,从文具匣里抓起一张信纸,决心写下去。

6.7 cannot psten attentively, as required to complete the homework, stationery is often not true.不能专心听讲、按要求完成作业,文具常不配齐。

7.As you know , we have handle paper and stationery many years.就如你所知,我们多年来一直经营纸张和文具。

8.His major problem for the next week would be to design proper stationery to carry my exalted title.他下星期的主要工作将是设计普通标徽,以表示我的特殊官衔。

9.It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a pttle flower in the left-hand corner.秀美的蓝色笔迹跃然纸上,一看就是女性的笔迹,信纸的左上角还有朵小花。

10.Although he corresponded with many of the world's very important people, his stationery and envelopes were all bought at a very low price.尽管他与许多世界要人通信,他买的信封信笺却都是些便宜货。