


美式发音: [ɡrumd] 英式发音: [ɡruːmd]







groomed显示所有例句adj.— see alsowell groomed

1.(描述穿着打扮情况)used to describe the way in which a person cares for their clothes and hair

She is always perfectly groomed.她总是打扮得干净利落。


adj.1.neat and clean in your appearance

v.1.The past tense and past participle of groom

1.精心修饰的 6. the great unwashed: 下层民众 7. groomed精心修饰的 8. resemble: 象、类似 ...

2.注重修饰 ... Terrified_of_Scottish 惊惧苏格兰 Too_Well_Groomed 注重修饰 Tolerant_to_Foreigners 容忍异国 ...

3.受培训 beauty pageant 选美比赛 groomed 受培训 pubpc figure 公众人物 ...

4.扶植 ... evidence U 根据,证据;形迹,迹象 groomed 扶植 guilt 罪行,内疚 ...




1.He was well groomed, well known and savvy, while always remaining something of an enigma.他总是衣着整齐,身负盛名而又通情达理,却又总有那么一点神秘莫测。

2.He grew up in the shadow of his father, the late President Hafez al-Assad, and his older brother, who was groomed to be the next president.他是在他的父亲,已故总统哈菲兹·阿萨德和被培养成下一任总统的兄长的阴影下长大的。

3.This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.那位高个精心打扮的男士身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。

4.His hair spghtly spiked, the singer has thick eyebrows, large eyes and perfectly groomed skin, making for a classic metrosexual look.他的头发做得有些往上翘,长着一副浓眉大眼,皮肤很好,表情中有一种古典的性感。

5.His son was given different managerial posts, which groomed him for the top job better than many other "chaebol princes" .他的儿子被给予不同的管理职位,为训练其走上顶尖的岗位做好了准备,这比很多的其他“财阀王子”的情况要好得多。

6.His mother is the former captain of the women's national basketball team and he was groomed from an early age to be a player.他的母亲曾是中国女子篮球队的队长,他从很小的时候就被选中成为一名球员。

7.Kim Jong Un has yet to be groomed to the extent that his father is ready to let him utter such a phrase.金正恩仍然未培养到其父乐意让他发出类似言辞的程度。

8.Feet aren't the most attractive part of the body, but as long as yours appear clean and well-groomed, that's all that matters.脚不是人身体上最有吸引力的地方,但是只要它们干净整洁被你小心的照料,那么它们就意味着全部。

9.Disney theme parks are special hotbeds of such optimism, with perky, well-groomed employees who do nothing but smile, smile, smile.迪斯尼主题公园是这种乐观主义的特殊温床,活泼、训练有素的雇员除了微笑、微笑、·微笑,什么也不做。

10.The other thing is to take lessons. Get a good swing, a groomed swing, so that you're hitting the ball more gracefully.另外就是向别人学习,挥杆要正确、漂亮,这样你的击球才能更加优雅。