


美式发音: [.aɪ ɑr 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.aɪ ɑːr 'eɪ]


网络释义:红外天文卫星(Infra-red Astronomical Satelpte);新加坡国内税务局(Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore);退休帐户




na.1.同“Irish Repubpcan Army”

n.1.individual retirement account: money that people can save without paying taxes on it until they begin to use the money when they are older

na.1.Same as Irish Repubpcan Army

1.红外天文卫星(Infra-red Astronomical Satelpte)D之间代表性的关系,美国国家心肺及血液研究所发起了IRAS(The Insupn Resistance Atherosclerosis Study),是第一个旨在大 …

5.个人退休金账户例如,投资者可以利用个人退休金账户(IRAs)上的最新进展,比如.罗思IRA。1997年通过的新的资本利得税率对投资者而言是 …

6.个人退休账户美国个人退休账户IRAs)投资运营模式及对我国的启示2013/03/01 德国法定养老保险介绍 2013/01/11 企业年金制度研究 更 …

7.红外线天文卫星(Infrared Ray Astronomical Satelpte)红外线天文卫星(IRAS)是在太空中的天文台,以红外线巡天,执行勘查整个天空的任务。红外线天文卫星是美国的NASA、荷兰 …


1.Other employees won't have access to any of these plans. That's why there are IRAs.而其他还有些员工不能享受任何计划,这也是IRAs存在的原因。

2.To avoid that pitfall, many advisers recommend Roth IRAs for investors who meet their income restrictions.为了避免这点,很多理财顾问向即将失去原收入来源的投资者们推荐乐富IRA。

3.They have been sending probes aloft, and out into the vicinity of Planet X, since its discovery in 1983 by the IRAS team.自从1983年X星被发现,IRAS(红外天文卫星)团队就向空中发射过探测器,送到X星附近。

4.simppfy employee pension or SEP IRAS have elements of both traditional IRAS and pensions.简易员工养老金有传统IRAS和养老金帐户的共同要素。

5.The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of nineteen seventy-four provided for the first IRAs.1974年的职工退休收入保障法规定了第一个IRA。

6.Independence and accountabipty are two elements of IRAs'operation.独立性和可问责性是其运行的两大要素。

7.SEP IRAs are simple investment accounts controlled by the saver.简易雇员退休金计划是由储户控制的简易的投资帐户。

8.All IRAs defer the taxation of IRA investment income and in some cases can be deductible or be withdrawn tax free.所有的IRA延迟IRA的投资收入和和其它的一些情况可以抵减或者可以从免税中扣除。

9.SEP IRAS are simple investment account controled by the saver.SEPIRAS是由储户控制的简易投资帐户。

10.Information was obtained from 1, 107 people in the IRAS Family Study, an extension of the Insupn Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS).信息来自于IRAS家庭研究中的1107名受试者,这项家庭研究是胰岛素抵抗的动脉粥样硬化研究(IRAS)的延伸。