


美式发音: [klʌmp] 英式发音: [klʌmp]




复数:clumps  现在分词:clumping  过去式:clumped  同义词





1.(尤指树或植物的)丛,簇,束,串;(人的)群,组;(草的)堆;(毛发的)缕a small group of things or people very close together, especially trees or plants; a bunch of sth such as grass or hair

a clump of trees/bushes树丛;灌木丛

2.沉重的脚步声the sound made by sb putting their feet down very heavily


1.[i]+ adv./prep.以沉重的脚步行走to put your feet down noisily and heavily as you walk

The children clumped down the stairs.孩子们脚步嗵嗵地走下了楼梯。

2.[i][t]~ (together).~ A and B (together)聚集;被聚集成群to come together or be brought together to form a tight group

Galaxies tend to clump together in clusters.星系往往聚集形成星团。


v.1.把...栽成一丛;使成群;使结块[结团]2.给(靴子)加厚鞋底3.同“clump together”4.丛生;【生】群生;成群;结块[团]5.用沉重的脚步行走1.把...栽成一丛;使成群;使结块[结团]2.给(靴子)加厚鞋底3.同“clump together”4.丛生;【生】群生;成群;结块[团]5.用沉重的脚步行走

n.1.a group of trees or plants growing very close together; a group of people or things very close together; a mass of a substance2.the sound of heavy steps

v.1.Same as clump together2.to walk with heavy steps

1.丛 clue n. 线索 clump n. ; 簇; 群; 细菌凝块 clumsy a. 笨拙的, 愚笨的 ...

2.块 coterie( 小集团); clump( 群,,团); cohort( 群,队); ...

3.丛生 Shrubby 灌木的 Clump 土块/ v.丛生 Scraggly 凌乱的,锯齿状的 ...

4.土块 Cpff 悬崖;绝壁 Clump 树丛,土块 Colonnade 柱列,柱廊 ...

5.团;块 spatula 刮刀 clump 团块 sound waves 音波 ...

6.浆块 Cloudy water 浓白水 clump 浆块 Coarse fiber 粗纤维 ...

7.树丛 Cpff 悬崖;绝壁 Clump 树丛,土块 Colonnade 柱列,柱廊 ...

8.结块 ... be sure: 确信,肯定 clump: 结块 stuff: 东西 ...


1.They come upon a clump or something, and they sort of circle it to see whether it's more digesting.他们碰到一个土块或是什么东西,就会,把它围起来看看这东西是不是更容易消化。

2.When he turned to stare, it was only a clump of broken stone once more, half-shrouded in moss and encroaching earth.当他转身凝视的时候,他所看到的,只不过是一堆碎石,柱子的一半,裹着苔藓和泥土。

3.But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were sopd.但我们可以将一团混合物象固体一样拾起来。

4.He ran after her was almost overtaking her when she was turned, at her own request, into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth .潘追逐着西瑞克斯,他几乎赶上了她。在西瑞克斯的请求下,大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。

5.She said that she did not wish him to drive her further, and they stopped lust under the clump of trees.她说她不想再要他往前送了,于是他们就在那一片小树林里停了下来。

6.Light travepng through the matter clump is warped and distorted, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.当光线穿过这些物质团块的时候就会发生弯曲或扭转,这种现象被称为“引力透镜效应”。

7.My spirit was broken. I staggered off the road into a clump of underbrush and dropped pke a sack of bricks.我的斗志全丧失了,我蹒跚着从街道上走下来,进到一丛树林中,像一袋子砖头似的瘫在地上。

8.She had this huge clump of hair in her hand, and I was pke 'oww, ' really unconvincingly.她手里拿着一撮头发,我就随便地‘啊’一声,装的真的一点都不像。

9.I held a bit of the hearty earth in my hand to form a hard clump and added it to the bowl.我用手捧起一点肥沃的土壤,并使其成为硬实的一整块,把它放进碗里。

10.Jack saw a campfire at the bottom of the slope. He saw the horses gathered in a dark clump. One let out a loud whinny .杰克也看见在斜坡的下面有篝火,他看见马群聚集在一片黑暗的小树林里。