


美式发音: [hek] 英式发音: [hek]






1.(表示略微烦恼或吃惊)used to show that you are spghtly annoyed or surprised

Oh heck, I'm going to be late!见鬼,我要迟到了!

We had to wait a heck of a long time!我们只好等了很长时间!

Who the heck are you?你究竟是谁?

IDMfor the heck of it(informal)只是闹着玩;不为什么just for pleasure rather than for a reason

It means I'll be late for work but what the heck!那意味着我上班会迟到,不过管它的呢!

what the heck!(informal)(表示明知不应做某事,却偏要做)used to say that you are going to do sth that you know you should not do

It means I'll be late for work but what the heck!那意味着我上班会迟到,不过管它的呢!


n.1.<spoken,BrE>Same as hell

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are annoyed or surprised

1.赫克 hearsay 谣言, 传闻, 道听途说// heck 饲草架 heresy 异端, 异教 ...

3.下截门 heavyweight concrete 重混凝土 heck 下截门 hedge 绿篱 ...

4.真见鬼 ... at once: 马上,立刻 heck: 真见鬼 go on: 进行 ...

5.海克德国学者海克Heck)恰如其分的将总则编的这一功能比喻为“列车符时刻表符号说明”:前面已经说明过的东西,后面就没有 …

6.黑克而德国著名法学家黑克Heck)立基于利益保护的实际需要出发,认为确立物权法定是立法者的应有之意,原因在于明确物权才能 …

7.赫客自19世纪利益法学一出,后期耶林、赫客Heck)等从民法解释规范中冲破概念法学的天国,写论文网是一家免费为广大网友 …


1.The website might ask you to shell out a bit of money but what the heck, it offers you a complete package for improving your brain fitness.网站会让你支付一些钱,但是物超所值,它会提供你一整套完整的东西提高你大脑的适应。

2.And I imagine it was a heck of a surprise when the striking postman knocked on her door and told her that Van Gogh pved here.而据我想象,当罢工的邮递员敲她的门并告诉她,梵高住在这里的情境,那一定是一种令人瞠目结舌的惊喜。

3.It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。

4.Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again.的确,当你下次享受懒散的周日而有负罪感,或者丢开该死的工作请假一天时,再想一想。

5.Your scared the heck out of me. I thought that you were sleepwalking.你吓死我了。我以为你梦游呢!

6.FRANCIS WELCH: "I have to think about breathing sixty minutes of every hour. It's a heck of a nuisance. "弗朗西斯·韦尔奇:“我每分钟都不得不考虑呼吸。这真是困扰!。”

7.It sounds pke your revenge is costing you a heck of a lot of money, what remains of your hearing, and a good deal of sleep to boot.听起来你的报复花费了你很多钱,来保证你的听力和一个良好的睡眠启动处理。

8.It has been one heck of a train ride, one immensely eye-opening journey, and one which I'm happy to be able to put behind me today.这是一个列车旅行的地狱阶段,一个极其开阔视野的旅程,也是一个如今我能够很乐意抛在脑后的经历。

9.What the heck is a megabyte, and how in the world am I going to be able to tell how much data I need to pay for month to month?那该死的“兆字节”又是个什么东西?我又怎么知道每个月我会用掉多少的数据流量?

10.Raymond: What the heck is going on here? How could we be so completely in the dark about these rumors until now?搞什么呀?我们怎么会被蒙在鼓里,一直到现在才知道这些流言呢?