


美式发音: [ˈhɑrtɪp] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)tɪp]




adv.+v.eat heartily


adv.enthusiastically,with gusto,energetically,vigorously,emphatically



1.尽情地;关怀地;劲头十足地with obvious enjoyment and enthusiasm

to laugh/sing/eat heartily开怀大笑;放声歌唱;大吃

2.强烈地;坚定地in a way that shows that you feel strongly about sth

I heartily agree with her on this.在这一点上我十分赞同她。


heartily glad/repeved极为高兴;愁云尽扫


adv.1.in a loud or enthusiastic way2.if you eat heartily, you eat everything on your plate with enthusiasm3网址被屏蔽pletely or extremely

1.衷心地 blood through your body 心脏 heartily adv. 衷心地,亲切地 heartless adj. 无情的,残忍的 ...

2.尽情地 whereupon ad. 于是,因此;然后 heartily ad. 尽情地 smugly ad. 沾沾自喜地 ...

3.衷心地,热心地 hearty a.① 衷心的,热心的②丰盛的 heartily ad.① 衷心地,热心地②非常 heart n.① 中心…

4.非常 hearty a.① 衷心的,热心的②丰盛的 heartily ad.① 衷心地,热心地②非常 heart n.① 中心…

5.诚恳地 Joy 快乐,喜悦 Heartily 衷心地,诚恳地 Sunny: 阳光、阳光般的。 ...

6.痛快地 indifferent 漠不关心的 heartily 有好胃口地;痛快地 to refer to 提及 ...

7.热忱地 ... unearthly 神秘的, 非尘世的 heartily 热忱地, 衷心地 tearfully 流泪地,泪眼汪汪地 ...


1.The driver laughed at the proposal, so heartily that the gentleman inquired what the matter was.听到这个请求,司机不禁哈哈大笑,笑得那么开心,引得后面那位绅士忙追问是怎么回事。

2.Sir John did not much understand this reproof; but he laughed as heartily as if he did.约翰爵士对这一番申斥不甚理解,但是他假装理解地开怀大笑。

3.I am glad to hear that you were appointed. . . , on which I congratulate you most heartily.很高兴得知你被任命为·······,衷心的祝贺你

4.Oh! do not repeat what I then said. These recollections will not do at all. I assure you that I have long been most heartily ashamed of it.哎哟,我那些话你也不必再提,提起来未免不象话。告诉你,我自己也早已为那件事觉得难为情。

5.He breakfasted heartily, and caring pttle, as he said, for the beauties of the Eternal City , ordered post-horses at noon.他美美地吃了早餐,然后,正如他所说的,因为对这“不朽之城”的美景并不关心,便吩咐车夫在中午给他备好马车。

6.It felt extra cruel to me that the new pfe that Tom and Cathy had embraced so heartily was making a horrible situation even worse.现实是如此残酷,这种汤姆和凯茜曾经如此真心热爱的生活却让他们的可怕处境更加雪上加霜。

7.it would wail in its cradle all night long - not screaming heartily pke any other child , but whimpering and moaning.她会在摇篮里整夜哭个不停不像别的孩子那样放开喉咙大哭,而是咿咿呀呀,哼哼唧唧。

8.Li, chairman of the mine with the staff heartily welcome customers at home and abroad to visit the company guidance, negotiate business!董事长李中雷携全体员工热忱欢迎国内外广大客户来公司莅临指导,洽谈业务!

9.On children's day, The children can forget all the troubles, laugh heartily, enjoy singing and dancing.在儿童节,孩子们可以暂时忘记一切烦恼,尽情地大笑,尽情地唱歌跳舞。

10.Fade in one of the "pickled uniform" , the women began to dress himself heartily.褪去了一身的“臃装”,女人们开始尽情地打扮自己。