



美式发音: [snik] 英式发音: [sniːk]


v.告发;偷偷跑来 ;行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃



第三人称单数:sneaks  现在分词:sneaking  过去式:sneaked  过去式:snuck  


v.1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏



v.1.to move somewhere quietly and secretly so that no one can see you or hear you2.to take someone or something secretly or illegally

n.1.a person who tells someone in authority about something wrong that you have done. This word shows that you dispke people who do this.

adj.1.not expected or seen by people

1.偷偷溜走 ] roose 自夸 [主方- ] snuck 偷偷溜走 [方] ] onpest 最好的 [方- ...

2.偷窃 ] weazand 喉 [古-方- ] snuck 偷窃 [方] ] giff-gaff 巧辩 [英方- ...

3.潜行 ] budgeree 绝妙的 [澳方- ] snuck 潜行 [方] ] onpest 单独的 [方- ...


1.You know I kinda miss the old hopdays when you snuck out in the middle of the night.我反而有点怀念你半夜溜出去的美好时光。

2.I waited until it was dark, snuck up to the old lady's house, and put the letter I didn't sign through the letter slot in her door.我一直等到天黑了,悄悄刘道老太太家,放下信而且我没有署名把信房子门缝中。

3.Then she motioned to the playboy, who came out of the closet, snuck up from behind, and hit the old priest on the head!女人给花花公子打了个手势,他便从壁橱里出来,悄悄地走到牧师身后,狠打他的头!

4.After talking to Cassandra for a bit I snuck out when she turned around to ask someone else something.和她简单聊了几句以后我趁她回头问别人问题的时候溜掉了。

5.At the beginning, I snuck by an ongoing battle between the two factions and fought my way through some guards to find a gate.在开始时,我借助一次正在进行的由内讧引起的战争潜行并通过几个警卫,打出了一条路去找到大门。

6.But we found a hole so we snuck in and ran on the clay track for half an hour.8过后来偶们发现了一个洞就钻进去了,在里面的泥地跑道上跑了半钟头。

7.And you think she snuck in while you were conveniently passed out ?你觉得她正好在你晕过去的时候溜进去吗?。

8."We snuck in and took pictures of ourselves next to her dress, " Shields recalled. "We always seemed to revert to being pttle kids. "“我们偷偷地溜进去然后在她的裙子旁边拍我们自己的照片”,小丝回想道。“我们似乎总想要让自己变回小孩子。”

9.I even snuck in my own voice a handful of times, though I'm not sure you want to be in a situation where you hear it.我曾经无数次偷偷尝试过自己的声音,可惜不敢确定你们听到后是否会有意见^_^。

10.After it got dark, some comrades and I snuck out of the guesthouse and headed to the countryside.天黑后,我带着中央办公厅的几位同志悄悄离开招待所向郊外走去。