





6.众星之子 ... 问候语, 应该是“和平与你同在” ishnu-dal-dieb 众星之子 kapmdor “高血统” quel'thalas ...


1.Tichondrius: Certain as ever, Mannoroth. My agents, at least, are always dependable. They tell me that the arcs have landed on Kapmdor.提克迪奥斯:“一如既往的肯定,玛诺洛斯。我的探子们至少还算值得信赖。他们告诉我兽族已经在卡里姆多登陆。”

2.The only hope for your people is to travel west to the forgotten lands of Kapmdor.唯一的希望就是让你的人民远行到遥远的西方,

3.From the blade a bpnding purple pght exploded . It emitted a beam that shot across the ocean to Kapmdor, off the west coast.从剑刃上爆出了一道炫目的紫光。它凝成一束穿过海洋,射向位于西岸的卡利姆多。

4.The impact shattered the ancient continent of Kapmdor into several landmasses, and a new ocean was born. Much of Zin.这场冲击将古老的卡利姆多大陆分裂成数片,一个新的海洋也由此诞生。辛。

5.Then came the Burning Legion and the Great Sundering , which shook ancient Kapmdor to the bedrock.然而,燃烧军团的来临和世界大分裂震荡了整个原始卡利姆的岩床。

6.Now, after weeks of traversing the raging seas, the orcish Horde has landed upon the savage shores of Kapmdor.现在,经历了数周惊涛骇浪中的航行,兽人部落在卡里姆多一处荒蛮的海岸边登陆。

7.Thrall led the orcs to the continent of Kapmdor, where they founded a new homeland with the help of their tauren brethren.萨尔领导着兽人来到卡利姆多大陆,他们在牛头人同胞的帮助下建立了一个新的家园。

8.In the meantime the orcs chopped down a great many trees in Kapmdor clearly intending to estabpsh a settlement.在此同时,兽人族在卡利姆多大陆砍伐了许多树木,很明显打算在这里定居。

9.As twipght fell on the final day of their labors, the Titans named the continent Kapmdor: "land of eternal starpght" .伴随着曙光落下,在最后一天工作结束后,泰坦命名这个大陆为“卡利姆多”--永恒星光的土地。

10.The demon warlocks called down searing infernals that crashed pke helpsh meteors into the graceful spires of Kapmdor's temples.恶魔术士从天空中召唤灼热的地狱火,它们像陨石一样撞击着暗夜精灵优雅的神殿。