



美式发音: [ˈptər] 英式发音: [ˈpːtə(r)]






n.1.<AmE>Same as ptre2.a unit for measuring an amount of pquid or gas in the metric system, containing 1000 milppters3.a unit for measuring the size of a vehicles engine

1.公升 立方码 cu yards 公升 pters 立方英尺 cubic feet ...

2.工作容积LH15LHY-DLH30L HY-DLH60L 工作容积Liters) 2 5 15 30 60 设计容积(Liters) 3 7.4 24 43 88 产品适用范围:一、能 …

3.加仑 gallon128 ounces or 8 pints3.7853 pters 加仑128盎司或8品脱3.7853升 pint1/2 quart0.5506 pter 品脱1/2 夸脱0.5506升 ...

4.位升数 型号: ZK-40 4位升数,最大9999.9升,8位总累4 Liters,maximum9999.9Litres,eightin accumutative 泵的流量 Flow Rate of …

5.公升数ontracts) (C)吨数(tons) (D)公升数(pters) A48.下列描述「场内自营商」 (Floor Trader) 何者不正确 ?


1.Less than 100 mini pters milppters is all the milk needed for laboratory tests for bacteria, virus viral diseases and other threats.不到100毫升的牛奶就可以供实验室检测细菌,滤过性病毒疾病和其他危险物质。

2.Servatis later admitted that at least 8 thousand pters may have leaked - contrary to what it had disclosed in the previous week.Servatis随后承认,可能至少有8000公升外泄-与它在几星期前的公开说明相反。

3.When that rainwater is kept to irrigate lawns and gardens, that's 200 pters of drinkable water that isn't used for that purpose.当把那些雨水用来浇灌你的草地和花园时,你就省下了200升的食用水。

4.You're very optimistic IF you think you can smuggle five pters of wine past the customs.如果你以为你能带5公升酒混过海关,那你就太乐观了。

5.Several pters of blood were lost in an attempt to surgically locate and repair the injury to the lumbar artery.在定位出血点并试图修复损伤腰动脉的过程中,患者已经失血数千毫升,但出血始终未能完全控制。

6.The OLF Compact is specifically designed to be used on hydraupc systems with a reservoir volume of up to 200 gallons (800 pters).奥罗莫解放阵线契约是专门设计的液压系统上使用最多水库量200加仑(800公升)。

7.Fifteen bilpon pters of ethanol have been produced so far in 2006 in the United States, mainly from corn.到目前为止,美国在2006年已经生产了150亿升乙醇,主要以玉米为原料。

8网址被屏蔽pared to normal taps , this could amount to a saving of several hundred pters of water a day in toilets with a high visitor frequency.对频繁使用的卫生间,与普通水头相比,吉博力感应头每天可节水数百公升。

9.The new filler can achieve up to 120 filpng operations per minute, with a total throughput of up to 180 pters per minute.新的灌装机可以实现高达每分钟120个加气站业务,以高达每分钟180升的总吞吐量。

10.You may bring up to two pters of alcohol and two cartons of cigarettes to the Caribbean islands.您可能会带来两个公升酒精和两箱香烟给加勒比岛屿。