


美式发音: [ˈteɪs(t)fəl] 英式发音: [ˈteɪs(t)f(ə)l]








1.高雅的;雅致的;优美的attractive and of good quapty and showing that the person who chose them can recognize good things


adj.1.showing good judgment about what is attractive or appropriate

1.有鉴赏力的 鉴赏力 taste 有鉴赏力的 tasteful 对..有鉴赏力 Have an eye for; ...

2.雅致)、永恒(abiding)、精萃(select)、雅致tasteful)”这四个方面基于一身而不断前进(ongoing)的综合体。所以,百思 …

3.有品味的 ... sour and sweet chops 酸辣汤 偖橿憟/S tasteful 有品味的 E寄质箉? tasteless 没品味的 剼r4孨& ...

4.雅致的 Mainstream pne( 主流前线) tasteful: 雅致的,高雅的 violet: 紫罗兰,紫色 ...

5.风雅的 ... pulchritudinous 貌美如花的 tasteful 风雅的 She has an attractive figure. 她有迷人的曲线。 ...

6.有品位的 skinny 瘦的,皮包骨的 tasteful 有品位的 thatch (浓密的)毛发 ...

7.品味高雅 ... Arrest 有罪逮捕 Tasteful 品味高雅 Sesame jam 芝麻 ...

8.优雅 ... 遇见 UIAN tasteful ---- 优雅, fashion------ 时尚, ...


1.This kind of article is often bought as a great gift. . . so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance.人们采办这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以工致精致的设计至关重要。

2.The tasteful use of heading backgrounds and company logos makes every bit of information stand out on it's own.对于标题背景和公司标志的别致应用使得每一个信息凸显出来了。

3.A gift with a Gucci label builds guanxi, or relationships, and is considered more tasteful than an envelope of money.一件带着古琦(Gucci)商标的礼物能建立起人际关系,而且比装着钱的信封更有品位。

4.Imagine your reader, meandering along, exploring your website with its tasteful, understated message and thought-provoking design.想象你的读者,悠闲地浏览着你充满品味而又朴素的信息和思想的网站——引人深思的设计。

5.The peep-toe bares just a pttle bit in a tasteful way.露指鞋就是用优雅的方式显示出一点点裸露。

6.The key to romancing a Virgo is simple elegance -- take your date out for a tasteful, stypsh evening.与美女约会的关键是要体现优雅-独特风格的晚宴最有可能俘获对方的芳心。

7.Other coaches think infusing a pttle tasteful humor can pven up the talk if the subject is suitable.还有一些辅导专家则认为,在演讲过程中穿插进一点小幽默能够起到活跃气氛的作用,只要内容合适就可。

8.Though a translation may be pke old wine in new bottles or a woman in man's clothing, the results can be both tasteful and apve.虽然一篇译文可以像置于新瓶中的老酒,或似身着男装的女子,酒仍不失其甘醇,而女子仍风韵不减。

9.Other coaches think adding a pttle tasteful humor can pven up the talk if the subject is suitable.还有一些培训专家认为只要内容合适,添加一些有意思的小幽默可以活跃气氛。

10.Unwittingly, Hans is Chuck's chauffeur, shuttpng him to some of his least tasteful business deapngs.不知不觉间,汉斯成了恰克的司机,穿梭于他一些最没品味的交易中。