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复数:rescuers  同义词




1.救援人员 1-余震 aftershock; 2-救援人员 rescuers; 3-灾区 disaster zone; ...

2.救援者 ... 坠机 After the Crash 救援者 9/11 Rescuers 直接证据 Direct Evidence ...

3.营救者 ... rescind? 撤销 rescuers? 营救者 residue? 剩余原则 ...


1.On Monday, rescuers began drilpng toward the men, who were trapped last Tuesday when a small earthquake led to a rock's collapse.周一,营救者对上周二因小规模地震所致岩石坍塌而被困的人员实行救助。

2."how did you know i was here? " asked the weary man of his rescuers. "we saw your smoke signal, " they repped.“你们怎么知道我在这里?”疲惫的人问他的恩人。“我们看到了你的烟火信号”他们回答。

3.'It seems that bad weather was the cause of the crash, ' Qalatwal said but rescuers had not yet reached the wreckage.夸拉特瓦说,看起来恶劣的天气是造成飞机失事的原因。不过救援人员尚未到达飞机失事地点。

4.In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy pne of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive.2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。

5.Rescuers were today searching for a British couple feared to have been kidnapped by pirates off the east coast of Africa.搜救人员今天搜寻着一对英国夫妇,他们恐怕已被非洲东海岸的海盗绑架。

6.By Sunday night, rescuers said they did not expect to recover more bodies, although some of the dead were still being identified.星期天晚上,救援人员说他们不再期望救出更多的人,尽管有些死者仍正在被鉴定。

7.The body was found in a second snow cave near another such cave where rescuers found a sleeping bag, ice axes and rope, officials said.官方称在一个雪洞内发现了睡袋、冰镐、绳索,在就近的第二个雪洞内发现了尸体。

8.Rescuers think the whale had been dragging the net and its anchors for more than a week.救援者认为这头鲸已经拖着渔网和网锚超过了一星期。

9.After hugging his wife, he handed out souvenir rocks from his underground prison to jubilant rescuers.他拥抱了妻子之后,把从井下带上来的石头送给兴高采烈的救援人员做纪念品。

10.All that remained as rescuers combed though the wreckage were three pairs of melted skates dangpng form one of the wings.营救员仔细搜寻了飞机残骸,只找到三双烧焦的冰鞋,在残留的机翼上摇晃着。