

obviate:[英 [ˈɒbvieɪt] 美 [ˈɑ:bvieɪt] ]


过去式:obviated;   过去分词:obviated;   现在分词:obviating;

obviate 基本解释


obviate 网络解释

1. 排除:obtrude#闯入 | obviate#排除 | originate#发起

2. 避免:impervious 不能透过的 | obviate 避免 | obvious 明显的

3. 除去,排除:decision n判断 | obviate 除去,排除 | terminal n. a终端机,终端的

4. obviate的反义词

4. 避免/排除,偏离:obsequious 谄媚的, | obviate 避免/排除,偏离 | obligated 合法联系 在一起

obviate 双语例句

1. Burns and by blood circulation obviate extraneous, As reaches quick reduce wetght`s aim Newest CO2 exceeds critical bush take technology with Especial science and technology make It efficacy lngredient activity anhance 8 time, lt will concentrate technoIogy let each a capsule contain`s malic acid equivaIent to 100 milliliter`s apple vinegar, 3000 fresh America green apple Besides has reduce weight outside effect.

最新CO2超临界萃取技术与Especia1科技使其功效成分活性提高8倍,其浓缩技术让每粒胶囊所含的苹果酸脂相当于1 00毫升的苹果醋、3000个新鲜的美国青苹果!

2. As yet, we can't obviate the possible of earthquake.


3. We must obviate the problem ahead of tomorrow.


4. Up to now, it wouldn`t obviate the possibility of the earthquake.


5. We tried to obviate the necessity of begin again.


6. obviate

6. We tried to obviate the necessity of beginning again.


7. And good grounding is important means to stabilize work of industrial control computer system and to obviate the disturbances.


8. Therefore, the prevention and obviate of computer errors become an important part of daily work for the governors.


9. Parotid region skin shows vasodilatation, flush and diaphoresis in meal. The mechanism is aberration-regenerate theory. The treatments include drug treatment, local treatment and operation treatment. The obviate is to put interval stuff in operation, skin flap can prevent nerves wrong to unite on parotid raw surface. It can barricade insulate the wrong unite of parasympathetic nerve and reign skin interneural if insert apo-cell subcuticula ground substance in operation.


10. Normentheorie, also called theory of classification of legal requirement, with Rosenberg as its representative in German, who classified civil law norm into four categories: Rechtsbegr ü ndende Norm ------ arise the occurring of right; Rechtshindernde Norm ----- be counter to the right to occur, and avoid its occurring; Rechtsvernichtende Norm ---- be counter to the right occurring, and nullify it; and Rechtshemmende Norm ----- be counter to the right when the right holder is to perform the right occurring, and obviate the right.


11. I'd huddle and meditate on the warmth, the actual warmth of God, to obviate the cold; then I'd jump up and flap my arms and legs and sing.


12. obviate的解释

12. And conciseness can also be achieved through pictures, which obviate the need for description.


13. obviate的近义词

13. Energy-saving high vacuum pump, self-absorption and strong, working obviate the need for irrigation pumps


14. She now stretched her neck, the treacherous shortness of which she endeavored to obviate with all her might.


15. Such regularity, moreover, will do much to obviate fretfulness, and that constant cry, which seems as if it could be allayed only by constantly putting the child to the breast.


16. A linear filter is adopted in the system to obviate the measurement of angle acce...


17. Helen has agreed to lend me the book i need. this obviate my trip to the library.


18. By far, it cann't obviate seismic possibility.


19. obviate的解释

19. The Pitt investigators say that if the vaccine is successful, it could potentially obviate the need for repeated colonoscopies in patients at high risk for developing colorectal cancer.


20. The Internet is just one vehicle that marketers rely on, and it doesn`t obviate the need for other marketing communication methods like traditional broadcast and print advertising, brochures, direct mail, conferences and other tools.


obviate 词典解释

1. 消除;排除;使成为不必要

To obviate something such as a problem or a need means to remove it or make it unnecessary.

e.g. The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice...


e.g. This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.


obviate 英英释义


1. prevent the occurrence of

prevent from happening

e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation

head off a confrontation

avert a strike

Synonym: debarforefendforfenddeflectaverthead offstave offfend offavoidward off

2. do away with

Synonym: rid ofeliminate