




1.无机器 ... No pve displays 无实时显示 No machine 无机器 No method file saved. 没有保存方法文件。 ...


1.Because the laser process has no machine momentum and pressure , and has a small facula and a narrow slot material .由于激光对划槽材料几乎不产生机械冲力和压力,加上激光光斑小、划缝窄。

2.No, machine, you'll not get rid of me that easily.不,机器,你不能那么容易就除掉我。你欠我一个情。

3.There was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time, was there?没有机器允许人在水下呆很长时间,是吗?

4.Of course, we knew we were almost doomed - we had no AT-guns, no machine-guns - we were almost hopeless against the tanks.当然我们知道这次是在劫难逃了——没有反坦克炮,没有机枪,我们根本奈何不了坦克。

5.Deep in the night, I am alone. Have to face the darkness. no machine noise, no one voices. Listen to my own heart beat.深夜里,我独自一人。面对黑暗,没有机器的声音,没有人说话的声音。听著我自己的心跳。

6.This is because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time.这是因为没有供人水下呼吸很长时间的机器。

7.The present invention discloses one kind of pft, and is especially one kind of no machine room pft.本发明公开了一种电梯,尤其是一种无机房电梯。

8.In the region of no machine construction, reverse building method of filpng static pressured anchor pile was adopted.对于基坑内无法进行机械施工的区域,采用后补静压锚杆桩的逆作方法;

9.There is no machine yet that can recognize faces or understand sentences at the level of a two-year-old human.没有机器能认出一张脸或象两岁的小孩那样理解句子。

10.There is no machine yet that can do just about anything people can do in an interesting way.这里没有机器能够以人的有趣的方式做任何事。