


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=low explosive)低级炸药


英文单词:乐;逻辑区域(logical extent)



abbr.1.(=low explosive)低级炸药2.(=labo(u)r exchange)实物交换,产品交换;职业介绍所;〈英〉(劳工部的)劳工介绍所

abbr.1.(=low explosive)2.(=labo(u)r exchange)

1.乐乐洋 分(le)洋与乐(yue)洋 你是那个读音? 乐洋leyangv1 4-12 乐洋 leyangv1 乐洋 在网上有很多人叫这个名字 也有很多人用 l…

2.逻辑区域(logical extent)LElogical extent):逻辑卷也被划分为被称为LE(Logical Extents) 的可被寻址的基本单位。在同一个卷组中,LE的大小和PE …


1.Le Point of France: Mr. Prime Minister, North Africa has been experiencing tremendous changes since the beginning of the year.法国《观点周刊》记者:温总理你好。我们看到,今年年初以来,在北非的一些国家经历了很大的变化。

2.He said Le had broken bones and that her underwear had been disarranged.他说,乐有骨折,她的内衣已被弄乱。

3."I don't know him, but if he is at Arsenal he must be good. I will be wary of him, " Valdes told Le Parisien.我不知道他,但如果他是阿森纳球员那他肯定挺棒的,我将对他留神一点。

4.For almost a year now he had been staying at Le Havre, going through the money that he had accumulated during his bootlegging days.他在勒阿弗尔呆了差不多一年,滥花从前走私时积蓄下的钱财。

5.The result of this incident was that le gates too rode in a carriage, whereas previously they used to go on foot.此事的结果就是尽管副将们以前曾惯于步行今后都改乘轿子了。

6.le conte was right , and so are you , mr . eden , at least to an extent - how much i do not know .勒孔特说得不错,你也不错,伊登先生,至少在一定程度上不错我有许多东西都不知道。

7.Seeing it in such a close distance, we were all amazed by the large scale of the ferris wheel on Yong Le bridge.近距离的仰望永乐桥上这座规模巨大的摩天轮,我们都感到很震撼。

8.By turns funny and caustic, with a fine sense of oratory, Ms Le Pen's skill is to defend her ideas with principles that all voters share.能言善辩的勒庞以风趣而讽刺的方式妥善辩护了她的主张,并且她的原则与选民的共同意愿相符。

9.It consists of a narrow strip along the coast at the bottom of the foothills of the Alps and its highest point is "Le Rocher" at 140m.摩纳哥由阿尔卑斯山脚下狭长的丘陵状海岸线组成,其最高点是“LeRocher”,海拔140米。

10.Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details" .特斯拉说他已经充分发展le他旳引力动态理论,并且“计算出全部旳细节”。