


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:纳秒;国半(National Semiconductor);生理盐水(normal saline)




abbr.1.(=nuclear ship)核动力船2.(=not sufficient)存款不足

abbr.1.(=nuclear ship)2.(=not sufficient)


2.国半(National Semiconductor)供应国半(NS)军工集成电路,德州BB工业集成电路,CD,/883军用产品,陶瓷封装IC 供应专业代理军工级,航天,航空,重工业IC ·采购 …

3.生理盐水(normal saline)生理盐水组(对照组):肺内注入生理盐水NS),同时行常规机械通气(CMV),另加呼气末正压通气(PEEP);氟碳组(治 …

4.肾病综合征(nephrotic syndrome)肾病综合征抗凝治疗用药指南 血液高凝状态及血栓形成是肾病综合征(NS)常见并发症之一,据报道,NS患者约35%会出现血栓 …

5.美国国家半导体供应美国国家半导体(NS)产品ADC0809CCN 现货供应SP3223EEY 供应日本欧姆龙(OMRON)触摸式开关B3F-6020 现货供 …

6.名称服务器(name server)定义名称服务器NS)记录,它指明该域名由哪个DNS服务器负责解析。www.169boy网址被屏蔽. IN A定义主机地址(A…


1.JM gets an available computer from the Name Server (NS) and schedules the program for running through a daemon (D).JM从命名服务器(NameServer,NS)那里获得一个可用的机器,并通过一个维护进程(daemon,D)来调度这个程序。

2.The Great Wall was made not only of stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of million ns of men.长城不仅是用石头和土建造的,而且是用几百万人的血和肉建成的。

3.parsePastStartTag(ns, name) -- Parses past the start of element, which must be the next parse component seen other than character data.parsePastStartTag(ns,name)-解析完元素的开始部分,它必须是所能看到的除字符数据以外的下一个解析组件。

4.CONCLUSIONS: Aortic dissections might be missed in patients with neurological symptoms but without pain.结论:有NS症状而无疼痛的主动脉夹层患者容易漏诊。

5.The Chimen bojite with a nearly NS strike, was a product of mafic magma activity in southeastern China at the end of Late Cretaceous.赤门角闪辉长岩是中国东南部晚白垩世末基性岩浆活动的产物,分布在福建省南平市的北部,总体呈近NS向展布。

6.Under special procedure, some organisms could metabolize Se to produce element selenium in the form of colloid nano red elemental Se (NS).一定条件下,生物体对硒的代谢可产生红色纳米级胶体元素硒,传统认为,生物体内元素硒的合成是生物体解除硒毒性的有效机制。

7.Results: There is no significant difference between tested groups in stimulation and hypersensitivity compared with those of the NS group.结果:家兔阴道和眼局部用药以及豚鼠皮肤给药和生理盐水对照组比较无明显差异。

8.By this measure, Asia ns (and, for that matter, everybody else) are woefully under in sured.按这一算法,亚洲人(就此而言,应该是指每一个人)很可悲的都没有得到充分保险。

9.After that, this paper compares the performances of GWSP and MWCC algorithms on communicate congestion and query delay in NS-2.并使用NS-2仿真工具对提出的MWCC算法与传统的GWSP算法做了查询时延和通信拥塞等性能方面的对比。

10.parseElementText(ns, name) -- Parses the next element, which must have only character data content.parseElementText(ns,name)-解析下一个元素,它必须只包含字符数据内容。