


美式发音: [ɜr] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)]


abbr.【化】元素铒的符号(=emergency room)急救室

英文单词:雌激素受体(estrogen receptor);急诊室的故事(Emergency Room);内质网(endoplasmic reticulum)

复数:ERs  同义词




abbr.1.【化】元素铒的符号2.(=emergency room)急救室

abbr.1.(=emergency room)

n.1.an emergency room in a hospital

1.雌激素受体(estrogen receptor)雌激素受体雌激素受体(ER)是雌激素发挥作用的关键,雌激素受体基因存在遗传多态性,目前已对雌激素受体基因多态性与乳腺癌 …

2.急诊室的故事(Emergency Room)求急诊室的故事ER)配音版下载资源~~~~~~~~~~~~~大家快来帮帮我啊!!! 2009-4-25 16:22 提问者: chocolate_sst | …

3.内质网(endoplasmic reticulum) (3)内源性合成病毒抗原的MHCI 类限制性呈递需要抗原与内质网 (ER)中新合成MHC I类分子的结合。 其一,一种抑制蛋白质转 …

4.急诊室的春天急诊室的春天ER)(第六季第十九集)饰演黛莉亚·夏德西(Delia)☆2007在亨利·达吉不真实的世界里/ 不真实的国度(In th…


1.Er, what I wanted to say was that my work load has increased, but my pay stayed the same.呃,我的意思是,我的工作量比以前多,可是工资却没比以前多。

2.If processes improper, sends cures the sore in the cheek face, very easy to walk Huang Er to have life-threatening.如果处理不当,发于颐面部的疗疮,很容易走黄而有生命危险。

3.The data on the domain page is automatically refreshed so that you are always viewing the up-to-date status and health of your ER system.这个域页面上的数据自动刷新,以便您总是能够查看您的ER系统的最新状态和健康状况。

4.Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Well, would you mind if we're waiting with you? You know, just, er, keep the womanizers from bothering you.弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,那么你介意我们跟你一起等吗?你知道,额,仅仅为了不让皮条客们来骚扰你。

5.This was what she had me to sign for her daughter, that was shock, that was taken moment after it was removed from er.这就是我为她的女儿签的照片,令人震惊,它已经被移除。

6.The Actions button helps you to make the server and a new node in an existing ER domain or to create a new ER domain.Actions按钮帮助您让服务器成为现有的ER域中的新节点,或创建一个新的ER域。

7.The next day, his neighbor, Wang-Er saw the note. He thought that there must be silver here. Then he stole it.第二天,邻居王二看到木牌,知道下面一定有银子,于是把银子偷走了。

8."Interest rates, er, set by the Bank of Japan, are going up from zero to 0. 25%, " he said.“日本央行制定的利率,呃,从零利率涨到了0.25%。”他说。

9."Yes, ma' am, " Homer said as if he were speaking to a school teach- er who had just corrected him.“是的,太太,”霍默说,好像他是在对一位刚刚纠正了他的错误的老师讲话一样。

10.He is said to have brought back life to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er.据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。