


美式发音: [blæst] 英式发音: [blɑːst]





复数:blasts  现在分词:blasting  过去式:blasted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.icy blast,strong blast,great blast

v.blow up,explode,detonate,criticize,attack




1.[c]爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪,冲击波an explosion or a powerful movement of air caused by an explosion

a bomb blast炸弹爆炸

27 schoolchildren were injured in the blast.27 名学龄儿童在爆炸中受了伤。

空气of air

2.[c]突如其来的强劲气流a sudden strong movement of air

A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。

the wind's icy blasts凛冽的狂风

大声loud noise

3.[c](吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声,吹奏声,轰鸣a sudden loud noise, especially one made by a musical instrument that you blow, or by a whistle or a car horn

three short blasts on the ship's siren船上三次短促的汽笛声


4.[c]严厉的批评;激烈的抨击strong criticism

Blast for prison governors in judge's report法官报告中对典狱长猛烈抨击


5.[sing](informal)热闹的聚会;狂欢a very enjoyable experience that is a lot of fun

The party was a blast.聚会非常热闹。

We had a blast at the party.我们在聚会上玩得很开心。


6.[c](informal)群发的电子邮件广告(或信息)advertising or information that is sent to a large number of people at the same time by email

IDMa blast from the past(informal)(现在又看见、听到、遇到等的)故人,往事,旧物a person or thing from your past that you see, hear, meet, etc. again in the present

She had the car stereo on at full blast.她把汽车音响开到了最大音量。

(at) full blast最大音量地;最大马力地with the greatest possible volume or power

She had the car stereo on at full blast.她把汽车音响开到了最大音量。


1.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)(用炸药)炸毁,把…炸成碎片;爆破to violently destroy or break sth into pieces, using explosives

They blasted a huge crater in the runway.他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。

They had to blast a tunnel through the mountain.他们得炸出一条穿山隧道。

All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion.爆炸的震动力把所有窗户都震碎到屋里。

The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片。

Danger! Blasting in Progress!危险!爆破进行中!

发出高声make loud noise

2.[i][t]发出刺耳的高音,轰鸣(尤指音乐)to make a loud unpleasant noise, especially music

Music suddenly blasted out from the speakers.喇叭中突然响起了轰鸣的音乐。

The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.收音机以最大音量播放摇滚乐。


3.[t](informal)~ sb/sth (for sth/for doing sth)严厉批评;猛烈抨击to criticize sb/sth severely

The movie was blasted by all the critics.这部影片受到了所有评论家的严厉抨击。


4.[t](informal)~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)狠打;猛踢;猛击to hit, kick or shoot sb/sth with a lot of force

He blasted the ball past the goape.他飞脚将球踢过了守门员。

He blasted(= shot) the popceman right between the eyes.他对着那个警察的眉心开了一枪。


5.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)向…猛吹;(用水)向…喷射to direct air, water, etc. at sb/sth with a lot of force

Popce blasted the demonstrators with water cannons.警察用高压水炮喷射示威者。

使毁于疾病等destroy with disease, etc.

6.[t][usupass]~ sth使(植物等)毁于疾病(或寒冷、酷热等)to destroy sth such as a plant with disease, cold, heat, etc.

Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost.一场晚霜把他们的庄稼全毁了。


1.(informal)(恼怒时说)该死,倒霉people sometimes sayBlast! when they are annoyed about sth

Oh blast! The car won't start.真该死!车子发动不了。



n.1.an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb2.a strong current of air, wind, heat, etc.3.a sudden short loud sound, especially on a musical instrument, a car horn, or a whistle4.a powerful throw or hit in a game played with a ball5.a very enjoyable experience6.a piece of strong criticism1.an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb2.a strong current of air, wind, heat, etc.3.a sudden short loud sound, especially on a musical instrument, a car horn, or a whistle4.a powerful throw or hit in a game played with a ball5.a very enjoyable experience6.a piece of strong criticism

v.1.to damage or destroy something with a bomb or gun; to shoot a person or animal; to destroy or move earth, rock, or metal using a series of explosions2.to hit something with a lot of energy or force3.if music blasts, or if it is blasted, it plays very loudly; to make a loud sound with a car horn4.to kick or hit a ball very hard5.to criticize someone very strongly1.to damage or destroy something with a bomb or gun; to shoot a person or animal; to destroy or move earth, rock, or metal using a series of explosions2.to hit something with a lot of energy or force3.if music blasts, or if it is blasted, it plays very loudly; to make a loud sound with a car horn4.to kick or hit a ball very hard5.to criticize someone very strongly

1.爆炸 dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. ...

2.冲击波 19.15 Compare( 相比较) 19.16 Blast冲击波) 19.17 Erode( 腐蚀) ...

3.一阵 blame 责备,责怪 blast 一阵(风) ,一股(气流) blaze 火焰 ...

4.爆破 爆鸣〖 explodeandsound〗 爆破〖 demopsh;blast;detonate;blowup〗 爆破手〖 petardier〗 ...

5.鼓风 骨架模型 skeleton pattern 鼓风 blast 鼓风,喷风 air blast ...

6.疾风 blanket 毛毯 blast 疾风;爆炸 blaze 火焰 ...

7.一股 blame 责备,责怪 blast 一阵(风) ,一股(气流) blaze 火焰 ...


1.However, further reflection is possible at the front face of a structure when it is struck by the blast wave.然而,当结构物的正面受到爆震波冲击时,也有可能再次进行反射。

2.However, observers said the blast was either part of an internal confpct within the junta or an attack by a dissenting armed group.然而,观察人士说,此次爆炸事件或者是军政府内部冲突的一部分,或者是政见不同的武装组织发起的袭击。

3.Given all of this, if pfe were to be found on Titan, it would blast away everything we understand about how pfe works.考虑到所有这些情况,如果在泰坦上发现了生命,它将打破我们关于生命运转的一切认知。

4.Witnesses at the scene said the blast was at the camp near the southern Lebanesecoastcoastal city of Sidon.现场目击者说爆炸发生在黎巴嫩海滨城市西顿以南的一处难民营。

5.even the fog had been thrown back by the force of the blast , which had cleared a great circle open to the sky.即使是雾气,也被爆炸所产生的冲击波刮走,在天空中留下一个清清楚楚的大洞。

6."It shook the store that I was in, " he said of the blast. "Then there was smoke and gun powder coming into the store. "“它震撼了商店,我是,”他说,爆炸。“然后是烟雾和火药进店来了。”

7.After the blast, which itself was quite loud, there wasn't any sound to speak of, at least not that I could hear from so far away.爆炸声很大,但是事后谈论它的声音并不大,至少不如我在遥远的其他地方听到的那么大。

8.Maybe it will take a while for the news to sink in, and at the actual ceremony, it might be a blast.也许需要一段时间我才会(因为这个新闻)慢慢兴奋起来,也许到了颁奖典礼现场,我会真正兴奋起来。

9.He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。

10.It's an old 1980s tune, but whenever I have parties at my house, or my friends come over to get ready to go out, we play it full blast.这是一首上世纪80年代的老歌,但是,只要我在家举行party,或者是朋友过来准备一起外出时,我们就用最大的音量播放这首歌。