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英文单词:中华航空;心脏指数(Cardiac index);词






1.中华航空 chuo( 绰) ci( ) cong( 聪) ...


5.企业形象(Corporate Image)企业形象(CI)设计企业形象(CI)设计隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 卢志仁贡献于2010-11-14 贡献者等级:崭露头角 三级 格式:pd…

6.保护国际(Conservation International)保护国际(ci)的首席经济学家richardrice也同意他们的观点。在圭亚那,保护国际以每公顷1.25美元/年的价格购买了81000公顷 …


1.No special skills are required for an employee of the relevant dealer to create such an ad in line with the CI in just a few minutes.无需专门的技能,几分钟之内,相关经销商的员工就能在网上利用CI软件制作出这样一份广告。

2.Based on the above reasons, Kuang did not ignore the creation of Ming Ci and gave it a fair evaluation.正是基于以上原因,况氏在评论明词时才能不废有明一代词作,并给出中肯的评价。

3.As you can see thus far, there are many types of feedback mechanisms available for you to utilize in a CI environment.正如您所见,可以在CI环境中采用的反馈机制有很多种。

4.The code should be ready to do that, but we want to setup our CI environment for it before we expose this features in the docs.代码基本已经写好了,但我们希望在将这些特性公开到文档前搭建好自己的的CI环境。

5.flower law naval battle erupts, bart by English captive, be locked up to be in plain Ci Mao Si.1689年,英法海战爆发,巴特被英国人俘虏,被关押在朴茨茅斯。

6.Recently, a few members of the "Ci Ma" film production crew were involved in a fist fight with local villagers over a traffic accident.《刺马》剧组和当地的村民因为一点交通意外发生了冲突,甚至打架。

7.Accordingly, it makes sense in a CI environment to run the tests at least hourly.相应地,在CI环境中这些测试可以至少每小时运行一次。

8.She had a co ci ou e that someone else was in the dark room.她有一种感觉:漆黑大学英语四级词汇量的房间里还有别人。

9.One of the main buildings on the Longevity Hill, it was specially built for Empress Dowager Ci Xi to receive her birthday greetings.排云殿是万寿山前山主体建筑之一,是专门为慈禧太后过生日受贺而建的大殿。

10.The hybridoma cell 2C3 was selected to be used for further study. By the study of the pH etc, five impact factors, a Ci-ELISA established.取杂交瘤细胞株2C3腹水单克隆抗体,通过对酸碱度等五个影响因子的研究建立了最佳ELISA检测体系。