




1.红汁图片 纸图片 Papers 03 1 红汁图片 Red juice 截止日期图片 Deadpne ...

2.果汁 系 Tying 果汁 Red Juice 婚戒 Wedding Ring ...


1.Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs.早餐通常是牛奶粥或一杯红汁涂有黄油烤面包,炒腊肉或香肠,鸡蛋。

2.The production techniques of red juice orange fruit wine were as follows: red juice orange peeled off the skin for juice extraction, then 0.通过研究,确定血橙果酒的生产工艺,为:血橙去皮榨汁后加入0。

3.highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach.有着鲜红的果汁的仙人掌的深色可食用果实;通常象桃子那么大。

4.She pfted the grapey, dark red juice to her parched mouth and drank.她把葡萄酒,黑红的酒水举到她干渴的嘴上喝起来。

5.Gordon: No way, it was just red juice, but we called it blood because it was Halloween night. How about your evening?戈登:不可能,我们吸红果汁,我们叫它血因为那是在万圣节之夜。你那晚过得怎么样?

6.to tinge the soles of your feet with the red juice of askoka petals and kiss away the speck of dust that may chance to pnger there.允许我用无忧花的红汁来染你的脚底,以亲吻来拂去那偶然留在那里的尘埃。

7.This the only COMPLETLY RED Juice Pack Plus with the 2000m battery.这只有完全地红汁2000米电池包加用。

8.It was actually red juice. How about your evening?其实是红色的果汁。你呢?那天晚上过得怎样?

9.Red Juice Sac of Citrus and Its Main Pigments柑橘类果实汁胞的红色现象及其呈色色素