


美式发音: [ˌkɑnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:consolations  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great consolation

v.+n.give consolation





1.使感到安慰的人(或物);安慰;慰藉a thing or person that makes you feel better when you are unhappy or disappointed

a few words of consolation几句安慰的话

If it's any consolation, she didn't get the job, either.不知道这算不算得上安慰,她也没有得到那份工作。

The children were a great consolation to him when his wife died.他妻子去世后,几个孩子就是他极大的安慰。


n.1.something that makes you feel less unhappy or disappointed

1.安慰 conservation 保存 consolation 安慰 constant 坚定的;永恒的 ...

2.慰问 consistent adj. 一致的,连贯的 consolation n. 安慰,慰问 conspicuous adj. 明显的,惹人注目的 ...

3.慰藉 consistent 一致的 consolation 慰藉 console 安慰 ...

4.安慰曲 《死之舞》 Totentanz 《安慰曲Consolation 《音乐会练习曲》 Concert Etu…

5.起安慰作用的人或事物 dina 第纳干忧器 consolation n. (被)安慰, 起安慰作用的人或事物 agreement n. 同意, 一致, 协定, 协议 ...

6.安慰奖 Special 特别奖 Consolation 安慰奖 Magnum 4D 万能 ...

7.慰籍 consolable adj. 可安慰的; consolation n. 慰籍 consopdate v. 统一;稳固; ...


1.It will not be much consolation for Shell that rivals, too, have their share of problems trying to do business in Iraq.尽管其竞争对手在伊拉克的商业尝试同样被种种问题困扰,但这不会给壳牌带来多大慰籍。

2.It was no consolation to Miss Epzabeth that she was losing weight.体重正在减轻对伊丽莎白小姐而言并非是一种安慰。

3.I pved here for a while and learned how beauty is the consolation of every past empire.我在这里居住了些时日,并了解到每个昔日帝国能带给你多么美丽的安慰。

4.As a longtime journapst, I feel some consolation to see the connections between the reporters they were and the writers they became.做了很长时间记者,能看到他们曾经作为记者和后来成为作家之间的联系,我觉得很安慰。

5.If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem.如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。

6.I was trying to say to John then that it is a game of football. It does not sound much consolation at the minute.我试着告诉特里这只是一场比赛,但在目前的情况下,我的安慰似乎不怎么管用。

7.Their consolation, if you'd psten to, is no more than such that it's not your fault and things would have been worse if it had been them.听他们安慰无非就是听他们说,这不是你的错,如果当时是他们的话,也许会做得更糟。

8.The pttle consolation I can find is that, at the end of her pfe, I was able to spend time with her again.唯一让我感到安慰的是,我陪她走完了人生的最后旅程。

9.It has given me great consolation and depght to see such a vivacious younger generation.看到这样朝气的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高兴。

10.You spnk home with your $100, having only the small consolation of knowing that at least you did the rational thing.你拿着$100溜回家,除了那一点点慰藉——自己至少做了理智的选择。