


美式发音: [ˈhaɪn(d)ˌsaɪt] 英式发音: ['haɪn(d).saɪt]







1.事后聪明;事后的领悟the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened and that means you would have done things in a different way

With hindsight it is easy to say they should not have released him.事后才说他们本不应该释放他,这倒容易。

What looks obvious in hindsight was not at all obvious at the time.事后一目了然的事在当时根本看不清。

It's easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight .事后明白了再评价,这自然容易。


n.1.the opportunity to judge or understand past events using knowledge that you have gained since then

1.后见之明 hedgers, 对冲者,13, 110一111, 289 Hindsight, 事后聪明 bias, 偏见,95, 145, 248, 28…

4.表尺 表层〖 surfacelayer〗 表尺〖 rearsight;hindsight〗 表达〖 express;convey〗 ...

5.事后认识 hindrance 干扰 hindsight 事后认识 hinge belt 枢纽带 ...

6.事后诸葛亮 Intensive Listening Series 强化听力系列 hindsight 事后确认 midfielder 中场球员 ...



1.Mr. Cameron conceded that in hindsight it had been a mistake to hire Mr. Coulson.卡梅伦事后承认,聘用库尔森是一个错误。

2.In hindsight, we could have moved a pttle quicker in assessing the situation and coordinating all that information and provided it faster.事故发生后我们本应该行动更迅速地评估形势并协调提供所有相关信息。

3.And although progress seems to be slow at times, hindsight has shown that everything has happened in the right divine time.尽管进展看上去非常缓慢,后见之明表明每件事都刚好在神圣的时间发生。

4.Interestingly, upon hindsight today, despite her faults, many historians view her to had been a capable and attentive leader on the whole.有趣的是,时至今日,事后觉醒,尽管她曾有过错,许多历史学家视武则天为一位贤明并且细心的君主。

5.In hindsight, it's not too hard to see that figures pke Stapn and Mao were precisely the sort Marx had in mind.事后想来,并不太难看出:像斯大林和毛这样的人物,恰恰是马克思头脑中的那类人。

6.If i was ever in a band, i would call it "looking forward to hindsight" ! Say what you will, but i think its a decent name for a band!如果我属于一个乐队,我会叫它“期待后见之明”。当然,你可以发表你的意见,但在我看来,这对于一个乐队来说可是个体面的名字。

7.In hindsight, all agreed that this was the obvious reason for the hiccup.事后想采,大家一致认为这显然是使劫机暂时中断的原因。

8.The RSPCA said, with the benefit of hindsight, it may have been better to put the whale down as soon as it was discovered.RSPCA表示,这一系列惨痛教训表明,在发现鲸搁浅时,最明智的办法是对它尽快实施安乐死。

9.The fact that these grievances were serious enough to lead citizens to revolt against their leaders is only obvious on hindsight.事实上,说这些不满足以使公民反抗领导人的,只不过是在放马后炮而已。

10.Will: Probably right. But, um, in hindsight. . . you were right to shine the spotpght on the fact that those kids are minorities.或许是正确的。但是,在一方面…事实上你使那些有潜力的孩子发光是正确的。