




1.说明 {$ClassDir} 栏目文件路径 {$Readme} 栏目说明 {$ClassUrl} 栏目地址 ...


1.I'm not going to tell you to read the README file, and that you would not have run into this problem if you did.我不是要告诉您去阅读README文件,如果那样做了,您就不会碰到这个问题。

2.Include any other packages desired, accept the license, and download the packages and associated README files to a directory.包括所需的任何其他包,接受许可,并将其连同关联的README文件一起下载到一个目录。

3.The install package can be extracted to show the installer binary, along with a Readme file and an Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.可以对此安装包进行提取操作,其中包含安装程序二进制文件以及Readme文件和安装与故障诊断指南(InstallationandTroubleshootingGuide)。

4.Read through the readme. txt files and web pages, as well as any comments regarding the Plugin on an author's website, before you install.在安装之前,读一遍readme.txt文件和网页,以及作者的网站上任何有关插件的评论。

5.Your application does not include entries to its Help , Readme , and Uninstall files on the Start menu .你的应用程序没有把它的帮助,自述文件和卸载文件添加在开始菜单中。

6.Text Mass Updater Using VSS Automation - Please find all about this utility in Readme. Txt .使用VSS自动化的大文本更新器,在帮助文件中可找到关于这个工具的一切信息。

7.Once you set it up, which requires studying the "readme" file very carefully, using LINQ to XSD is quite easy.一旦进行了安装,只需仔细阅读“readme”文件后,就可非常容易地使用LINQtoXSD。

8.To see sample code that implements partition switching, see Readme_SlidingWindow.若要查看实现分区切换的示例代码,请参阅Readme_SlidingWindow。

9.Fixes that should be applied can be downloaded in zip files which also contain readme files that provide descriptions of all the fixes.应该应用的修复程序可以以zip文件形式下载,这些文件还包含一些readme文件来提供所有修复程序的说明。

10.Be sure to read and follow the installation instructions in the readme files that accompany the samples you wish to use.请务必阅读并遵照您要使用的示例所附带的自述文件中的安装说明。