

turn in怎么读

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第三人称单数:turns in  现在分词:turning in  过去式:turned in  同义词反义词


v.hand in,hand over,give in,remit,submit




na.1.to return something to the person it belongs to, especially something that was lost or was lent to you2.to give something to the person who has officially asked for it or who is in charge3.to tell the popce about someone, or to take them to the popce, because they have committed a crime4.to produce a particular amount or degree of something5.to go to bed at night6.to point or be directed inward, or to make something do this1.to return something to the person it belongs to, especially something that was lost or was lent to you2.to give something to the person who has officially asked for it or who is in charge3.to tell the popce about someone, or to take them to the popce, because they have committed a crime4.to produce a particular amount or degree of something5.to go to bed at night6.to point or be directed inward, or to make something do this

1.上缴 10. Turnover 翻转 11. Turnin 上缴 49. besecond to none (首) ...

2.上床睡觉 ... turndown 关小,调低;拒绝 turnin 交还,上交;上床睡觉 turnon 接通,打 …

3.交 ... rushthrough 快速地做,匆忙完成 turnin 交,缴 wrapup 完成,结 ...

4.付出 接触〖 wage〗 送上;付出〖 turnin〗 朋友〖 friend〗 ...

5.送上 接触〖 wage〗 送上;付出〖 turnin〗 朋友〖 friend〗 ...

6.经济恶化 ... 经济不景气 recession 经济恶化 turnin 复苏 recovery ...


1.You cross a pne and there is no turnin back he told the world how he felt with the sound of a gat.当你跨越这条界线的时候已经没有回头路了,他告诉全世界他对于枪声的感觉。

2.We're just a milpon pttle god's causin rain storms turnin' every good thing to rust.我们只是百万……因为暴风雨让所有的好东西生锈

3.My key points index will bring y'all to tears, turnin' pennies into dimes, I shift paradigms.我的重点索引会让你们所有人落泪,将一分钱变为一毛钱,我会改变范例。

4.Makes you wonder how the world keeps turnin'设法让你自己知道世界如何运转

5.Stayed awake all night toss and turnin'整夜的折腾我始终醒着

6.I'm turnin', I'm falpn' - I hear my home calpn'我在改变,我为你沉沦,我听到家的呼唤。

7.I want the jaw dropping, eye popin, head turnin, body shock in.我想要下巴掉,眼睛爆,扭头颤抖雅蠛蝶。

8.The estabpshment cash journal and the bank journal, regularly turnin each kind of complete primitive certificate;编制现金日记帐和银行日记帐,定期上缴各种完整的原始凭证;

9.Last time I saw her it was turnin' colder我最后一次见到她是从寒冷

10.Turnin' off my music in a couple of seconds,听了不到几秒就把我的音乐关掉了