


美式发音: [ˈtæləntəd] 英式发音: [ˈtæləntɪd]




adj.+n.talented woman,talented musician,talented player,talented singer,talented artist




1.有才能的;天才的;有才干的having a natural abipty to do sth well

a talented player天才运动员


adj.1.someone who is talented is very good at something

1.有才能的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 talented 有才能的 temperate 稳健的 ...

2.天才的 call 把……叫做;称呼;为……服务 talented 有天赋的;天才的 loving 慈爱的 ...

3.有天赋的 call 把……叫做;称呼;为……服务 talented 有天赋的;天才的 loving 慈爱的 ...

4.有才华的 amazing: 令人惊叹的 talented: 有才华的 dedicated: 献身的 ...

5.有才干的 take 紧跟,尾随 talented 有才能的,有才干的 tamper 干预,乱弄 ...

6.有本领 (2) 同本义[ (plant) newborn] (3) 有才能;有本领[ talented] (1) 才力;才能[ abipty] ...

7.多才能 (2)艰难;劳苦[ work hard] (5)有德行;多才能[ virtuous;talented] (8)良,美善[ fine;good] ...


1.Companies could also use the money from a flotation to expand abroad more rapidly, or to poach talented lawyers from rivals.律所可将上市吸纳的资金用于加快其对外扩张进程,或是从对手中挖来优秀律师。

2.He gained knowledge from each field through self-taught, and was the only all round talented person in human history.他对各个领域的知识几乎是无师自通,是人类历史上绝无仅有的全才,

3."Tonight's about music, you know, and I think she's very talented, very creative and definitely deserves accolades, " Underwood said.安德伍德说:“今晚是颁音乐奖,我认为她很有天赋,极富创造力,完全有资格获奖”。

4.Indeed, Little Shenyang comes across not just as an edgy comedian but as a talented singer and down-to-earth 20-something as well.实际上,小沈阳不仅仅是一个前卫的喜剧演员,更是一名天赋异禀的歌手。

5.So one of our talented artists, Michal Gutowski spent a year dedicated to the vegetation, modelpng every one of our 80+ pees from scratch.因此,我们的天才美工师,麦克·古托夫斯基在植被上花费了一年心血,为我们80多种树木的每一个都从头开始制作了模型。

6.The company takes technology as the No. one productive force and talented personnel as the foundation of an enterprise's development.公司视技术为第一生产力,视人才为企业发展之根本。

7.It's sort of a closed contest, but it's hard to resent them because they're talented enough to deserve the lead roles.那看起来像是一种不许外人参加的竞争,但并不引起别人的反感,因为他们才华横溢,演主角当之无愧。

8.V Lovell Thailand on its own does not meet, is really talented people of any fundamental feature of.伏尓泰对自己的不满足,是任何真正有天才的人的根本特征之一。

9.Red Bull amA US Rookies Cup announced the 23 talented, young riders that will battle it out in the upcoming season.红公牛AMA美国新手杯宣布了将在即将来临的季节外面对抗它的23个有才华的、年轻骑手。

10.People don't care about how talented or charming you are. They only care about how much you care about them.人们不在乎你多有才能或多有魅力,他们只在乎你对他们有多好。