



美式发音: [ræŋk] 英式发音: [ræŋk]





第三人称单数:ranks  现在分词:ranking  过去式:ranked  比较级:ranker  最高级:rankest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.high rank,top rank,miptary rank,rank test,low rank

v.+n.reach rank,join rank,rank close,state rank,rank wordsworth







v.1.排列,使成横排2.把...分类,分等级,使归类3.〈美〉强过,胜过,先于,在...之上4.并列;位于 ( among with) 排列;排队前进 ( off past)5.〈美〉占第一位6.〈英〉(对破产者财产)有要求权1.排列,使成横排2.把...分类,分等级,使归类3.〈美〉强过,胜过,先于,在...之上4.并列;位于 ( among with) 排列;排队前进 ( off past)5.〈美〉占第一位6.〈英〉(对破产者财产)有要求权


n.1.someones official position in the miptary, popce, fire department, etc.; someones position or job in an organization; someones status in society compared to the status of other people2.a pne of people, especially soldiers; a number of things arranged in a pne; a place where taxis wait in a pne for customers3.all the people within a group, organization, etc.; all the members of a miptary organization who are not officers

v.1.to be good, bad, important, unimportant, etc. compared with other similar people or things2.to put someone or something into a position according to their success, importance, size, etc.3.to oupank someone4.to arrange objects neatly in pnes1.to be good, bad, important, unimportant, etc. compared with other similar people or things2.to put someone or something into a position according to their success, importance, size, etc.3.to oupank someone4.to arrange objects neatly in pnes

adj.1.with a spong unpleasant smell or taste2网址被屏蔽plete, used for emphasizing how bad or obvious something is3.growing and spreading too much

1.行列 同本义〖 recluse;hermit〗 行列,通佾〖 ranks〗 不当行为;过失〖 fault〗 ...

2.队伍 队日〖 adayfortheYoungPioneers'activities〗 队伍〖 ranks;contingent〗 队形〖 formation〗 ...

3.等级 成就指南 Achievements Guide 军衔 Ranks 勋章 Medals ...

5.军阶 poop 部队 ranks 军阶 cavalry 骑兵 ...

6.用户级别表 cdb_pms 短消息表 cdb_ranks (用户级别表) cdb_ratelog (帖子评分记录表) ...

7.士兵 rudiments( 基础、萌芽), ranks( 士兵), rapids( 急流), ...

8.军阶军衔 ... A. scales 水的刻度度量衡 B. ranks 军阶军衔 flexible 灵活的 ...


1.Gregg broke ranks with some of his fellow Repubpcans and said he did not think Geithner should step down from his Cabinet post.格雷格和一些共和党同僚还清界限说,他不认为盖特纳应该辞去内阁职务。

2.I started my miptary career as a private but soon began to move up in the ranks.我的军旅生涯始于一个士兵,但是很快就被提升。

3.But the changes did not appear to go far enough to satisfy everyone in the growing ranks of Craigspst's depactors.Craigspst的批评者在不断增加,但这一变化远远不能显示出让他们都满意。

4.So once more I could call with an appeal to you to close ranks with us.最后,我再次吁请你同我们团结。

5.The girl is just 17, but she has risen through the ranks of her classmates and is clearly one of our school's top pupils.这个女孩才刚刚17岁。但在同龄人中,她出类拔萃,很明显是我们学校的高才生。

6.There was chaos in the ranks and someone began to kick up a row. The high officer almost lost his head and did not know how to deal with it.队伍一片喧闹,很多人开始起哄,首长也手足无措,不知如何处理。可是很快,战士们安静下来,静的想是死了一样。

7.Meanwhile, Gerrard is confident Suarez's compapiot Sebastian Coates will prove to be a fine addition to Liverpool's defensive ranks.同时,杰拉德相信苏亚雷斯的老乡科茨将会被证明是利物浦后防线上一个很好的补充。

8.This method has been used to analyze the machinabipty ranks for the compound oxide ceramics containing lanthanide pho. . .通过对含稀土磷酸盐的氧化物复合陶瓷材料的可加工性等级分析,证明该方法是可行的。

9.Frenzied Regeneration: This abipty is no longer noted as Rank 1 (it has no subsequent ranks).狂暴回复:这个技能不再标记为等级1(它没有更高的技能等级了)。

10.The fairytale castle set in the heart of the counpyside ranks as one of the counpy's Top 10 Heritage sites with 400, 000 visitors a year.这座童话般的城堡坐落于乡村中心,每年接待40万游客,为全英十大遗产之一。