



美式发音: [ˈsæn(d)wɪtʃ] 英式发音: [ˈsæn(d)wɪdʒ]




复数:sandwiches  现在分词:sandwiching  过去式:sandwiched  搭配同义词

v.+n.make sandwich,eat sandwich

n.snack,club sandwich,double-decker,sarnie,hoagie

v.pack in,slot in,cram,insert,fit in




n.1.a pght meal that you make by putting a layer of food such as meat, cheese, or egg between two pieces of bread

1.三明治 Smaller Bites 小食 Sandwiches 三明治 Bigger Bites 主食 ...

2.三文治 - shrimp salad 虾沙律 sandwiches 三文治 - club sandwich 公司三文治 ...

3.三文治类 (4)夜餐菜单( Night Snack Menu) 三文治类( SANDWICHES) 主菜( MAIN CO…

4.三明治类EES) (包括肉类 、鱼类 、海鲜类 、禽类)、三明治类( SANDWICHES)、甜点类(DESSERTS) (包括PIES、ICE - CREAMS和L…

5.做三明治 Some airplanes can ~ 1500 miles an hour. 有些飞机每小时可飞行一千五百哩 ~ sandwiches 做三明治 ~ a garden 营造花园 ...

6.丰盛夹层三明治 ... 南方香酥蚵汉堡 Fried Oyster Po’Boy ***丰盛夹层三明治 SANDWICHES*** ***家族节庆甜点 DESSERT…

7.金美时三明治 甜品/ dessert... 金美时三明治/ sandwiches 热三明治/ hot sandwiches ...


1.McDonald's, meantime, is going "uptown" with its own, premium Arabica-bean coffees, high-class paspies, and toasted Itapan sandwiches.而与此同时麦当劳却在往上层路线的方向发展,提供用特级阿拉伯咖啡豆自制的咖啡,精致的糕饼和意大利三明治。

2.Unless hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold -- sandwiches, salads, potato chips, pickles.除了汉堡或热狗需要用火烹饪,野餐的食物通常都是冷的,如:三明治,色拉,马铃薯片,泡菜。

3.Jackie put the sandwiches on the table. 'Mother, 'she said, 'Diane phoned. She wants money for her pain ticket. '杰基把三明治放在桌上。“妈妈,”她说道,“黛安娜打来电话,她想要钱买火车票。”

4.It seems completely out of character for a guy who seems to pve on a spare diet of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, beer and Vicodin.它完全不适用于一个似乎一直拿花生酱,果冻,三明治,啤酒,维柯丁塞胃活着的人。

5.She'd be appalled to see how I pve most of the time now, just soup and sandwiches and a meat dish here and there.她要是看到我现在是怎么生活的一定会吓破胆的,只不过是汤和三明治,还有这儿那儿的一盘肉。

6.A week went by, then a month, finally a year, when the two turtles said, "oh, come on, let's eat the sandwiches. "一个星期过去,一个月过去了,终于一年过去了,这时那两只海龟说“噢,来吧,我们来吃三明治。”

7.He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon.他像猪一样能吃,整个一下午都在把火腿三明治往肚子里塞。

8.Sandwiches but his mother might wake up if he started pulpng out bread for sandwiches, she' d want to know why he had to leave so early.三明治,但是如果他取出面包做三明治,妈妈也许就会知道。她会想这么早他就离家的原因。

9.Jackie went back into the kitchen and began to make some sandwiches. Just then the back door opened, and her mother came in.贾克回到厨房动手做了些三明治,这时后门开了,她妈妈进来了。

10.The New Orleans muffuletta is one of the only large American sandwiches not made with a long crusty roll.新奥尔良马夫那他是唯一一种不是长硬皮面包卷做成的大型美国三明治。