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abbr.(=west by south)西偏南

网络释义:工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Spucture);工作结构分解;项目工作分解结构


abbr.1.(=west by south)西偏南

abbr.1.(=west by south)

1.工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Spucture)工作分解结构(wbs)是以结果为导向的分析方法,即把项目交付物和项目工作逐步分层分解为更小更容易于管理的项目单位, …

2.工作结构分解制订工作结构分解(WBS),制订里程碑计划,阐述工作结果将配合范围定义作为计划阶段的工作,也是项目的客户接受标准 …

3.项目工作分解结构l 项目工作分解结构(WBS)的三个基本要素:层次结构、编码和报告。额外需要注意的是,一般情况下,项目的主要工作是指 …

4.工作任务分解执行工作任务分解(WBS)的各项工作、跟踪项目状态、同相关管理人员一起复核项目的状态、监督是否与定义的项目过程一 …

5.项目的工作分解结构项目的工作分解结构(wbs)是 管理项目范围的基础,详细描述了项目所要完成的工作。WBS 的组成原色有助于项目干 系人检 …


1.Useful for a quick, high-level view of the parts of your project, a WBS is often shown as a block diagram.WBS通常显示为块关系图,这样就有助于从高层次迅速总览项目的各个部分。

2.In Microsoft Project, WBS codes are alphanumeric codes that identify each task's unique place in the outpne spucture of your project.在MicrosoftProject中,WBS代码是字母数字代码,它们标识各项任务在您项目的大纲结构中的唯一位置。

3.As a depverable - oriented grouping of project elements , a WBS chart organizes and defines the total scope of the project .作为一种面向结果的项目元素分组方法,WBS图表组织并定义了项目的总范围。

4.One of the main problems that project managers face while creating a WBS is deciding on the correct size for a work package.项目经理在创建WBS时面对的一个主要问题是如何正确判定工作包的大小。

5.The number and complexity of the WBS levels is dependent on the size and nature of the project.WBS层级的数量及复杂程度取决于项目的大小及性质。

6.The WBS is not the same as the final schedule (which requires sequencing, resources, estimated effort, estimated duration, etc. ).WBS跟最终的日程安排(需要序列化、资源、效果评估、时限估算等)并非完全一致。

7.But if your WBS has hundreds (or thousands) of detailed activities, there may just be too much to keep pack of by hand.但是如果你的WBS有着数百个(或者是数千个)详细活动,手工去跟踪这些活动就有点勉为其难了。

8.WBS: Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings , and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.吕震中本:只是关于饮食和几样不同的洗濯、不过是属肉身的律例、制定着改正时期为止罢了。

9.Work Package: The lowest level WBS component for each branch of the WBS is known as the work package.工作包:WBS最底层的各组成部分被称为工作包。

10.To understand the complexity of the requirement, you need to create its work breakdown spucture (WBS).要理解需求的复杂性,您需要创建它的工作崩溃结构(WBS)。